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Displaying 201 - 210

Brewer's: Hæmos

A range of mountains separating Thrace and Mœsia, called by the classic writers Cold Hœmos. (Greek, cheimon, winter; Latin, hiems; Sanskrit, hima.) O'er high Pieria thence her course she…

Brewer's: Hecuba

Second wife of Priam, and mother of nineteen children. When Troy was taken by the Greeks she fell to the lot of Ulysses. She was afterwards metamorphosed into a dog, and threw herself into…

Brewer's: Ague, Homer a cure for

It was an old superstition that if the fourth book of the Iliad was laid under the head of a patient suffering from quartan ague it would cure him at once. Sernus Sammoncus, preceptor of…

Brewer's: Ajax the Less

Son of Oïleus (3 syl.), King of Locris, in Greece. The night Troy was taken, he offered violence to Cassandra, the prophetic daughter of Priam; in consequence of which his ship was driven…

Brewer's: Briareos

or Ægeon. A giant with fifty heads and a hundred hands. Homer says the gods called him Briareos, but men called him Ægeon. (Iliad, i. 403.) Not he who brandished in his hundred hands His…

Brewer's: Brunehild

(3 syl.) or Brunehilda. Daughter of the King of Issland, beloved by Günther, one of the two great chieftains of the Nibelungenlied or Teutonic Iliad. She was to be carried off by force,…

Brewer's: Idomeneus

(4 syl.). King of Crete, and ally of the Greeks in the siege of Troy After the city was burnt he made a vow to sacrifice whatever he first encountered, if the gods granted him a safe…

Brewer's: Nestor

King of Pylos, in Greece; the oldest and most experienced of the chieftains who went to the siege of Troy A “Nestor” means the oldest and wisest man of a class or company. (Homer Iliad.)…

Brewer's: Priam

King of Troy when that city was sacked by the allied Greeks. His wife's name was Hecuba; she was the mother of nineteen children, the eldest of whom was Hector. When the gates of Troy were…

Brewer's: Troilus

(3 syl.). The prince of chivalry, one of the sons of Priam, killed by Achilles in the siege of Troy (Homer's Iliad). The loves of Troilus and Cressida, celebrated by Shakespeare and…