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Moses, Robert

(Encyclopedia) Moses, Robert, 1888–1981, U.S. public official, b. New Haven, Conn. He was appointed (1919) by Alfred E. Smith to the committee to study and revamp New York state government machinery…

Venezuela Claims

(Encyclopedia) Venezuela Claims. In 1902, due to civil strife and to gross mismanagement during the administration of Cipriano Castro, Venezuelan finances were chaotic. Great Britain, Germany, and…

Black Hills

(Encyclopedia) Black Hills, rugged mountains, c.6,000 sq mi (15,540 sq km), enclosed by the Belle Fourche and Cheyenne rivers, SW S.Dak. and NE Wyo., and rising c.2,500 ft (760 m) above the…

The First Ladies Gallery

An illustrated guide to the first ladies of the United States Please note: Martha Jefferson, Rachel Jackson, Hannah Hoes Van Buren, and Ellen Arthur all died before their husbands became…

The Supreme Court: Hugo Black (1937-1971)

Hugo Black (1937-1971)The Supreme CourtGreat Minds of the CourtJoseph Story (1811-1845)Oliver Wendell Holmes (1902-1932)Louis Brandeis (1916-1939)Benjamin Cardozo (1932-1938)Hugo Black (1937-…

Pronoun Reference: How's That Again?

How's That Again?Pronoun ReferenceIntroductionHow's That Again?It Just Proves There's Someone for EveryoneA Match Made in Writer's Heaven Read the following passage and summarize what it says.…

Important Speeches in U.S. History

Here are some important speeches that influenced the course of history. by Jennie Wood Related Links Top 100 American Speeches of the Twentieth CenturyNotable Speeches and Addresses by…

Collected Inaugural Addresses of U.S. Presidents

Contents George WashingtonThursday, April 30, 1789 George WashingtonMonday, March 4, 1793 John AdamsSaturday, March 4, 1797 Thomas JeffersonWednesday, March 4, 1801 Thomas JeffersonMonday,…