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The White House's First Car

The Question: Who was the president when the White House got its first car? The Answer: For the answer to this question, we turned to Michael L. Bromley…

Truman, Harry S.

(Encyclopedia) Truman, Harry S., 1884–1972, 33d President of the United States, b. Lamar, Mo. Truman remained active in politics for many years after his retirement, campaigning around the…

Zodiac Signs of the Presidents

The Question: What zodiac sign have the most presidents been born under? The Answer: It is a tie. There have been five Scorpio (Oct.…

Organic Act Day: Virgin Islands

Celebrating a new constitution by Liz Olson Each year, on the third Monday in June, the Virgin Islands recognize Organic Act Day, which commemorates the organization of a new…

Inaugural Trivia

Firsts and facts about presidential inaugurations Related Links Famous Presidential Speeches Inaugural Oratory Notable Inaugural Events George Washington's was the shortest…

First Pets Slideshow

by Mark Hughes Barack Obama, Malia and Sasha Obama's dad, informed his daughters—and millions of other people who were watching his victory speech the night he was elected president of the United…

Morison, Samuel Eliot

(Encyclopedia) Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887–1976, American historian, b. Boston. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1912 and began teaching history there in 1915, becoming full professor in 1925…

Neutrality Act

(Encyclopedia) Neutrality Act, law passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Aug., 1935. It was designed to keep the United States out of a possible European…

McCormick, Robert Sanderson

(Encyclopedia) McCormick, Robert Sanderson, 1849–1919, American diplomat, b. Rockbridge co., Va.; nephew of Cyrus Hall McCormick. President McKinley appointed (1901) him minister to Austria-Hungary.…