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Union party

(Encyclopedia) Union party, in American history. 1 Coalition of Republicans and War Democrats in the election of 1864. Abraham Lincoln was renominated for President with Andrew Johnson, the…

Bunau-Varilla, Philippe Jean

(Encyclopedia) Bunau-Varilla, Philippe JeanBunau-Varilla, Philippe Jeanfēlēpˈ zhäN bünōˈ-värēyäˈ [key], 1859–1940, French engineer, prominent in the Panama Canal controversy. An engineer after 1884…

Bowers, Claude Gernade

(Encyclopedia) Bowers, Claude GernadeBowers, Claude Gernadezhərnädˈ bouˈərz [key], 1878–1958, American journalist, historian, and diplomat, b. Hamilton co., Ind. After serving as editor of the Fort…

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

(Encyclopedia) Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), former U.S. government agency established (1933) in the Dept. of Agriculture under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 as part of…

William Howard Taft

William Howard TaftBorn: 9/15/1857Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio William Howard Taft was born in Cincinnati on Sept. 15, 1857. A Yale graduate, he entered Ohio Republican politics in the 1880s…

Assassinations and Attempts in U.S. Since 1865

Lincoln, Abraham (president of U.S.): Shot April 14, 1865, in Washington, DC, by John Wilkes Booth; died April 15.Seward, William H. (secretary of state): Escaped assassination (though…

Landmarks of Washington, D.C.

by Mark D. Hughes photos by Carol M. Highsmith Washington, D.C., is the capital of the United States and home to many of the country's most famous and recognizable…

Lorz of the Rings

Distance runner Fred Lorz's Olympics disgrace in 1904 by John Gettings Lorz was the first competitor to cross the finish line. He was greeted with cheers from the American crowd and…

First President on TV

The Question: Who was the first president to give a televised speech? My daughter answered FDR but her teacher says Truman. I have found several web sites,…