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Brewer's: Red Rose Knight

(The) Tom Thumb or Tom-a-lin. Richard Johnson, in 1597, published a “history of this ever-renowned soldier, the Red Rose Knight, surnamed the Boast of England. ...” Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Thin Red Line

(The). The old 93rd Highlanders were so described at the battle of Balaclava by Dr. W. H. Russell, because they did not take the trouble to form into square. “Balaclava” is one of the…

Brewer's: Garibaldi's Red Shirt

The red shirt is the habitual upper garment of American sailors. Any Liverpudlian will tell you that some fifteen years ago a British tar might be discerned by his blue shirt, and a Yankee…

Brewer's: Little Red Ridinghood

This nursery tale is, with slight alterations, common to Sweden, Germany, and France. It comes to us from the French, called Le Petit Chaperon Rouge, in Charles Perrault's Contes des Temps…

New Red Sandstone

(Encyclopedia) New Red Sandstone, name for the thick red layer of the Triassic formation in Great Britain (see Triassic period). It is many thousands of feet thick and is composed chiefly of red…

Red Deer, city, Canada

(Encyclopedia) Red Deer, city (1991 pop. 58,134), S central Alta., Canada, on the Red Deer River. It developed as a trade and service center for a region of dairying and mixed farming. The discovery…

Red Poll cattle

(Encyclopedia) Red Poll cattleRed Poll cattlepōl [key], breed of polled (hornless) cattle, originated in England c.1846. They are a medium-sized, hardy breed of cattle, light red to very dark red in…

Joplin, Janis

(Encyclopedia) Joplin, JanisJoplin, Janisjŏpˈlĭn [key], 1943–70, American blues-rock singer, b. Port Arthur, Tex. After dropping out of college (1963) and singing folk rock in Texas clubs, she moved…


(Encyclopedia) dolomitedolomitedōˈləmītˌ, dŏlˈə– [key]. 1 Mineral, calcium magnesium carbonate, CaMg (CO3)2. It is commonly crystalline and is white, gray, brown, or reddish in color with a vitreous…

Chimney Rock National Monument

(Encyclopedia) Chimney Rock National Monument, 4,726 acres (1,913 hectares), SW Colorado; est. 2012. Located in San Juan National Forest, it is bordered by the Southern Ute reservation. Within the…