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Redding, CA Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school23,017100.0Nursery school, preschool1,4806.4Kindergarten1,2915.6Elementary school (grades 1-8)9,70342.2High school (…

Redding, CA Census Data

People QuickFactsReddingCaliforniaPopulation, 2003 estimate 87,57935,484,453Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 8.0%4.8%Population, 2000 80,86533,871,648Population,…

Redding, CA Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population80,865100.0SEX AND AGEMale38,75047.9Female42,11552.1Under 5 years5,3316.65 to 9 years5,8657.310 to 14 years6,1967.715 to 19 years6,2967.820 to 24 years5,2626.525 to…

Brewer's: Cardinal's Red Hat

Some assert that Innocent IV. made the cardinals wear a red hat “in token of their being ready to lay down their life for the gospel.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Red Basque Cap

The cognisance of Don Carlos, pretender to the Spanish throne. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Red BookRed A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q…

Brewer's: Red Book of the Exchequer

(The). Liber Rubens Scaccarii in the Record Office. It was compiled in the reign of Henry III. (1246), and contains the returns of the tenants in capitc in 1166, who certify how many…

Brewer's: Red Hand of Ulster

In an ancient expedition to Ireland, it was given out that whoever first touched the shore should possess the territory which he touched; O'Neill, seeing another boat likely to outstrip…

Brewer's: Red-laced Jacket

Giving a man a red-laced jacket. Military slang for giving a soldier a flogging. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Red LandRed Kettle A B C D E F G H I…

Brewer's: Red-lattice Phrases

Pot-house talk. Red-lattice at the doors and windows was formerly the sign that an alehouse was duly licensed; hence our chequers. In some cases “lattice” has been converted into lettuce,…

Brewer's: Red-letter Day

A lucky day; a day to be recalled with delight. In almanacks, saints' days and holidays are printed in red ink, other days in black. “That day, ... writes the doctor, was truly a red-…