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Hunter, William

(Encyclopedia) Hunter, William, 1718–83, Scottish physician. He was famous as a lecturer, as London's leading obstetrician, as professor of anatomy and later president of the Royal Academy of Arts,…


(Encyclopedia) Mamoudzou, city (2002 pop. 45,485), capital and largest city of Mayotte. It lies on the Mozambique Channel in the Indian Ocean on the NE coast of Grande-Terre, Mayotte's main island,…

Keltie, Sir John Scott

(Encyclopedia) Keltie, Sir John Scott, 1840–1927, Scottish geographer. He was inspector of geographical education for the Royal Geographic Society, librarian, and secretary of the society. In 1880 he…

Jesuit Relations

(Encyclopedia) Jesuit Relations, annual reports and narratives written by French Jesuit missionaries at their stations in New France (America) between 1632 and 1673. They are invaluable as historical…

Burton, Ernest De Witt

(Encyclopedia) Burton, Ernest De Witt, 1856–1925, American biblical scholar, b. Granville, Ohio. From 1882 to 1923 he served as professor of New Testament literature and interpretation at the Univ.…

Stout, Rex

(Encyclopedia) Stout, Rex, 1886–1975, American writer, b. Noblesville, Ind. He served in the navy and worked in New York City as founder and director of the Vanguard Press. His best-known works are…

Van Der Zee, James

(Encyclopedia) Van Der Zee, James, 1886–1983, American photographer, b. Lenox, Mass. The son of Ulysses S. Grant's maid and butler, Van Der Zee opened his first studio in Harlem, New York City, in…

Whipple, George Hoyt

(Encyclopedia) Whipple, George Hoyt, 1878–1976, American pathologist, b. Ashland, N.H., M.D. Johns Hopkins, 1905. He taught at Johns Hopkins (1909–14) and at the Univ. of California (1914–21) and was…

Taylor, Tom

(Encyclopedia) Taylor, Tom, 1817–80, English dramatist and editor. His most famous play is Our American Cousin (1858), performed at Ford's Theater in Washington, D. C., when Lincoln was assassinated…

Campion, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Campion or Campian, Thomas, 1567–1620, English poet, composer, and lutenist, a physician by profession. Campion wrote lyric poems that he and other composers set to music. His graceful…