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(Encyclopedia) lupuslupusl&oomacr;ˈpəs [key], noninfectious chronic disease in which antibodies in an individual's immune system attack the body's own substances. In lupus, known medically as…

MacNeice, Louis

(Encyclopedia) MacNeice, LouisMacNeice, Louisməknēsˈ [key], 1907–63, Irish poet b. Belfast. Educated at Oxford, he became a classical scholar and teacher and later was a producer and traveled the…


(Encyclopedia) PhilistiaPhilistiafĭlĭsˈtyə [key], region of SW ancient Palestine, comprising a coastal strip along the Mediterranean and a portion of S Canaan. The chief cities of Philistia were Gaza…

Hammett, Dashiell

(Encyclopedia) Hammett, DashiellHammett, Dashielldəshēlˈ [key], 1894–1961, American writer, b. St. Mary's co., Maryland. After a variety of jobs, including several years working as a detective for…

Brady, Mathew B.

(Encyclopedia) Brady, Mathew B., c.1823–96, American pioneer in photography, b. Warren co., N.Y. Brady learned the daguerreotype process from S. F. B. Morse and in 1844 opened his own photographic…

Cabot, John

(Encyclopedia) Cabot, John, fl. 1461–98, English explorer, probably b. Genoa, Italy. He became a citizen of Venice in 1476 and engaged in the Eastern trade of that city. This experience, it is…

Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Giacomo

(Encyclopedia) Casanova de Seingalt, Giovanni GiacomoCasanova de Seingalt, Giovanni Giacomokăzənōˈvə, Ital. jōvänˈnē jäˈkōmō käzänōˈvä dā sāngältˈ [key], 1725–98, Venetian adventurer, author, and…

Wilberforce, William

(Encyclopedia) Wilberforce, William, 1759–1833, British politician and humanitarian. He was elected to Parliament in 1780 and during the campaign formed a lifelong friendship with William Pitt, whose…

Ussher, James

(Encyclopedia) Ussher or Usher, JamesUssher or Usher, Jamesboth: ŭshˈər [key], 1581–1656, Irish prelate and scholar. While a fellow (1599–1605) of Trinity College, Dublin, he was ordained (1601). By…

Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Teilhard de Chardin, PierreTeilhard de Chardin, Pierrepyĕr tāyärˈ də shärdăNˈ [key], 1881–1955, French paleontologist and philosopher. He entered (1899) the Jesuit order, was ordained…