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Displaying 181 - 190

Brewer's: Echidna

(E-kid'-na). Half-woman, half-serpent. She was mother of the Chimæra, the many-headed dog Orthos, the hundred-headed dragon of the Hesperides, the Colchian dragon, the Sphinx, Cerberos,…

Brewer's: Tityos

A giant whose body covered nine acres of land. He tried to defile Latona, but Apollo cast him into Tartarus, where a vulture fed on his liver, which grew again as fast as it was devoured…

Volcanic Seven Summits

Top of Page Source: iStockFrom Mount Everest as the highest mountain above sea level to Mauna Kea, the tallest mountain on Earth, there are peaks and summits all around us. Mountains used to be seen…

101 Most Influential People Who Never Lived

Some fictional characters have had more impact on the world than real people. Allan Lazar, Dan Karlan, and Jeremy Salter set about ranking the “characters of myth, legends, television, and movies […

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Cloud

by Percy Bysshe Shelley A Vision of the SeaTo a SkylarkThe Cloud Published with "Prometheus Unbound", 1820. I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers, From the seas and the streams…

Brewer's: Elf

(plural, Elves, Anglo-Saxon, oelf). Properly, a mountain fay, but more loosely applied to those airy creatures that dance on the grass or sit in the leaves of trees and delight in the full…

Dar es Salaam

(Encyclopedia) Dar es Salaam Dar es Salaam därˈ-ĕs-sälämˈ [key] [Arab.,=haven of peace], city (2021 est. metro area…

Russo-Japanese War

(Encyclopedia) Russo-Japanese War, 1904–5, imperialistic conflict that grew out of the rival designs of Russia and Japan on Manchuria and Korea. Russian failure to withdraw from Manchuria and Russian…

Simon, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Simon, Paul, 1941–, American singer, songwriter, and guitarist, b. Newark, N.J. A polished and intelligent folk-rock lyricist and performer, he first gained fame as half of Simon and…


(Encyclopedia) ProtistaProtistaprōtĭsˈtə [key] or ProtoctistaProtoctistaprōˌtŏktĭsˈtə [key], in the five-kingdom system of classification, a kingdom comprising a variety of unicellular and some…