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Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Sensitive Plant

by Percy Bysshe Shelley A Vision of the SeaThe Sensitive PlantComposed at Pisa, early in 1820 (dated 'March, 1820,' in Harvard manuscript), and published, with "Prometheus Unbound", the same…

chartered companies

(Encyclopedia) chartered companies, associations for foreign trade, exploration, and colonization that came into existence with the formation of the European nation states and their overseas…


(Encyclopedia) hostage, person held by another as a guarantee that certain actions or promises will or will not be carried out. During periods of internal turmoil, insurgents often seize hostages;…


(Encyclopedia) eukaryoteeukaryotey&oomacr;kârˈē-ōtˌ [key], a cell or organism composed of cells that have a membrane-bound nucleus and organelles (mitochondria, chloroplasts; see cell, in biology…


(Encyclopedia) GueuxGueuxgö [key] [Fr.,=beggars], 16th-century Dutch revolutionary party. In 1566 more than 2,000 Dutch and Flemish nobles and burghers (both Protestants and Roman Catholics) signed a…

Guthrie, Woody

(Encyclopedia) Guthrie, Woody (Woodrow Wilson Guthrie), 1912–67, American folk singer, guitarist, and composer, b. Okemah, Okla. Guthrie was an itinerant musician and laborer from the age of 13.…

Aesop's Fables: The Woman and the Farmer

by Aesop The Hawk, the Kite, and the PigeonsPrometheus and the Making of ManThe Woman and the Farmer A Woman, who had lately lost her husband, used to go every day to his grave and lament…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Cenci

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Prometheus UnboundThe Mask of AnarchyThe CenciDedication, to Leigh Hunt, Esq.PrefaceAct 1Act 2Act 3Act 4Act 5Note on the Cenci, by Mrs. Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Ode to the West Wind

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Ode to HeavenAn ExhortationOde to the West Wind (This poem was conceived and chiefly written in a wood that skirts the Arno, near Florence, and on a day when that tempestuous…