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Aqaba, Gulf of

(Encyclopedia) Aqaba, Gulf of, northeastern arm of the Red Sea, 118 mi (190 km) long and 10 to 15 mi (16.1 to 24.1 km) wide, between the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas; a part of the Great Rift Valley…


(Encyclopedia) larynxlarynxlârˈĭngks [key], organ of voice in mammals. Commonly known as the voice box, the larynx is a tubular chamber about 2 in. (5 cm) high, consisting of walls of cartilage bound…

Fitzpatrick, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Fitzpatrick, Thomas, c.1799–1854, American trapper, fur trader, and guide, one of the greatest of the mountain men, b. Co. Cavan, Ireland. He emigrated early to the United States, and…


(Encyclopedia) stuttering or stammering, speech disorder marked by hesitation and inability to enunciate consonants without spasmodic repetition. Known technically as dysphemia, it has sometimes been…

Truffaut, François

(Encyclopedia) Truffaut, FrançoisTruffaut, FrançoisfräNswäˈ trüfōˈ [key], 1932–84, French film director and critic. Known in his early 20s as a writer for the influential French film journal Cahiers…


(Encyclopedia) tribe [Lat., tribus: the tripartite division of Romans into Latins, Sabines, and Etruscans], a social group bound by common ancestry and ties of consanguinity and affinity; a common…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Volume 1

by Percy Bysshe Shelley Volume 2Volume 1ContentsPrefacePreface by Mrs. ShelleyPreface by Mrs. ShelleyThe Daemon of the WorldAlastor: or, The Spirit of SolitudeThe Revolt of IslamPrince…

Brewer's: E'thon

The eagle or vulture that gnawed the liver of Prometheus. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894EtiquetteEthnophrones A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O…

Brewer's: Promethean Unguent

(The). Made from a herb on which some of the blood of Prometheus (3syl.) had fallen. Medea gave Jason some of this unguent, which rendered his body proof against fire and warlike…