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Zephaniah, book of the Bible

(Encyclopedia) ZephaniahZephaniahzĕfˌənīˈə [key], prophetic book of the Bible. The prophet, who lived in the reign (c.640–609 b.c.) of King Josiah of Judah, traces his genealogy to King Hezekiah.…

Zoar, village, United States

(Encyclopedia) ZoarZoarzôr, zōˈər [key], village, Tuscarawas co., E central Ohio, on the Tuscarawas River; founded 1817, inc. 1884. It was founded by a group of Separatists from S Germany who fled…

Williston, Samuel Wendell

(Encyclopedia) Williston, Samuel Wendell, 1851–1918, American paleontologist and entomologist, b. Boston, grad. Kansas State Agricultural College (B.S., 1872) and Yale (M.D., 1880; Ph.D., 1885). He…

Saint Bartholomew's Day, massacre of

(Encyclopedia) Saint Bartholomew's Day, massacre of, murder of French Protestants, or Huguenots, that began in Paris on Aug. 24, 1572. It was preceded, on Aug. 22, by an attempt, ordered by Catherine…

Wolsey, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Wolsey, ThomasWolsey, Thomasw&oobreve;lˈzē [key], 1473?–1530, English statesman and prelate, cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. From 1514 to 1529 Wolsey virtually controlled…


(Encyclopedia) investiture, in feudalism, ceremony by which an overlord transferred a fief to a vassal or by which, in ecclesiastical law, an elected cleric received the pastoral ring and staff (the…

Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield

(Encyclopedia) Roscoe, Sir Henry EnfieldRoscoe, Sir Henry Enfieldrŏsˈkō [key], 1833–1915, English chemist. He was professor (1857–87) at Owens College, Manchester. He is known for his work, with R. W…

Perkin, Sir William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Perkin, Sir William Henry, 1838–1907, English chemist. In 1856 he discovered the first aniline dye (aniline purple, known as mauve and mauveine); by founding a factory to make it,…

Gloucester, Henry William Frederick Albert, duke of

(Encyclopedia) Gloucester, Henry William Frederick Albert, duke ofGloucester, Henry William Frederick Albert, duke ofglŏsˈstər, glôˈstər [key], 1900–1974, British prince; third son of George V,…

Honorius II

(Encyclopedia) Honorius II, d. 1130, pope (1124–30), an Italian named Lamberto, b. Bologna; successor of Calixtus II. Before becoming pope he spent several years in Germany adjusting the quarrel over…