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Pole, English noble family

(Encyclopedia) Pole, English noble family. The first member of importance was William de la Pole, d. 1366, a rich merchant who became the first mayor of Hull (1332) and a baron of the exchequer (1339…

Holy Roman Emperors (table)

(Encyclopedia) HOLY ROMAN EMPERORS(including dates of reign) Saxon dynasty Otto I, 936–73 Otto II, 973–83 Otto III, 983–1002 Henry II, 1002–24 Salian or Franconian dynasty Conrad II,…

Louis IX, king of France

(Encyclopedia) Louis IX or Saint Louis, 1214–70, king of France (1226–70), son and successor of Louis VIII. His mother, Blanche of Castile, was regent during his minority (1226–34), and her regency…

Biographies of Famous African Americans

  Aaliyah–Ewing | Farmer–Innis | Jackson–Ludacris | Mac–Puckett | Rabb–Swoopes | Tanner–Van Der Zee Browse by category Government Officials Civil Rights Leaders Religious…

Shakespeare's Plays (table)

(Encyclopedia) Shakespeare's Plays(arranged by approximate date of composition) Play Approximate date of composition Date of first publication Sources Major characters Genre Henry VI, Part II…

Rowland, Henry Augustus

(Encyclopedia) Rowland, Henry AugustusRowland, Henry Augustusrōˈlənd [key], 1848–1901, American physicist, b. Honesdale, Pa., grad. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1870. He was professor of physics…

Peter of Blois

(Encyclopedia) Peter of BloisPeter of Bloisblwä [key], 1135?–1203?, French writer. He was educated in law and theology. From 1167 to 1169 he was tutor to King William II of Sicily. He went (c.1173)…

Krehbiel, Henry Edward

(Encyclopedia) Krehbiel, Henry EdwardKrehbiel, Henry Edwardkrāˈbēl [key], 1854–1923, American music critic, b. Ann Arbor, Mich. In 1880 he became music critic of the New York Tribune. He championed…

Audley of Walden, Thomas Audley, Baron

(Encyclopedia) Audley of Walden, Thomas Audley, Baron, 1488–1544, lord chancellor of England (1533–44) under Henry VIII. He was made speaker of the House of Commons in 1529 and lord keeper of the…

Myers, Frederic William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Myers, Frederic William HenryMyers, Frederic William Henrymīˈərz [key], 1843–1901, English essayist and poet. His works include the poem St. Paul (1867) and Essays, Classical and…