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Displaying 241 - 250

Notable Stage and Screen Actresses

    Parker Posey Biographies of Notable Women Actresses Adventurers Artists Athletes Businesswomen Comediennes Congresswomen Educators and…

Broadcasting Timeline

Here are key moments in the evolution and history of broadcasting. 1897 K.F. Braun invents the cathode-ray tube…

Robert Graves: A Boy in Church

A Boy in Church"Gabble-gabble,... brethren,... gabble-gabble!" My window frames forest and heather. I hardly hear the tuneful babble, Not knowing nor much caring whether The text is…

Robert Graves: A Child's Nightmare

A Child's NightmareThrough long nursery nights he stood By my bed unwearying, Loomed gigantic, formless, queer, Purring in my haunted ear That same hideous nightmare thing, Talking, as he…

Robert Graves: A Dead Boche

A Dead BocheTo you who'd read my songs of War And only hear of blood and fame, I'll say (you've heard it said before) "War's Hell!" and if you doubt the same, Today I found in Mametz Wood…

Robert Graves: A Pinch of Salt

A Pinch of SaltWhen a dream is born in you With a sudden clamorous pain, When you know the dream is true And lovely, with no flaw nor stain, O then, be careful, or with sudden clutch You'…

Robert Graves: An Old Twenty-Third Man

An Old Twenty-Third Man"Is that the Three-and-Twentieth, Strabo mine, Marching below, and we still gulping wine?" From the sad magic of his fragrant cup The red-faced old centurion started up…

Robert Graves: Cherry-Time

Cherry-TimeCherries of the night are riper Than the cherries pluckt at noon Gather to your fairy piper When he pipes his magic tune: Merry, merry, Take a cherry; Mine…

Robert Graves: Corporal Stare

Corporal StareBack from the line one night in June, I gave a dinner at Bethune— Seven courses, the most gorgeous meal Money could buy or batman steal. Five hungry lads welcomed the fish With…