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Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Farewell Song To The Banks Of Ayr
by Robert Burns Prayer-O Thou Dread PowerAddress To The ToothacheFarewell Song To The Banks Of Ayr Tune-"Roslin Castle." "I composed this song as I conveyed my chest so far on my…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Address To The Toothache
by Robert Burns Farewell Song To The Banks Of AyrLines On Meeting With Lord DaerAddress To The Toothache My curse upon your venom'd stang, That shoots my tortur'd gums alang…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Lines On Meeting With Lord Daer[1]
by Robert Burns Address To The ToothacheMasonic SongLines On Meeting With Lord Daer[1] This wot ye all whom it concerns, I, Rhymer Robin, alias Burns, October twenty-third…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Masonic Song
by Robert Burns Lines On Meeting With Lord DaerTam Samson's ElegyMasonic Song Tune-"Shawn-boy," or "Over the water to Charlie." Ye sons of old Killie, assembled by Willie…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Tam Samson's Elegy
by Robert Burns Masonic SongEpistle To Major LoganTam Samson's Elegy An honest man's the noblest work of God-Pope. When this worthy old sportman went out, last muirfowl season…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Epistle To Major Logan
by Robert Burns Tam Samson's ElegyFragment On SensibilityEpistle To Major Logan Hail, thairm-inspirin', rattlin' Willie! Tho' fortune's road be rough an' hilly To every…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Fragment On Sensibility
by Robert Burns Epistle To Major LoganA Winter NightFragment On Sensibility Rusticity's ungainly form May cloud the highest mind; But when the heart is nobly warm, The…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: A Winter Night
by Robert Burns Fragment On SensibilitySong-Yon Wild Mossy MountainsA Winter Night Poor naked wretches, wheresoe'er you are, That bide the pelting of this pitiless storm!…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Duan First[1]
by Robert Burns Duan SecondDuan First[1] The sun had clos'd the winter day, The curless quat their roarin play, And hunger'd maukin taen her way, To kail-yards green…Poems and Songs of Robert Burns: Duan Second
by Robert Burns Duan FirstSuppressed Stanza's Of "The Vision"Duan Second With musing-deep, astonish'd stare, I view'd the heavenly-seeming Fair; A whispering throb did…