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Eames, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Eames, CharlesEames, Charlesāmz [key], 1907–78, American designer, b. St. Louis, Mo. He opened his own architectural practice in 1930 and in the late 30s studied with Eliel Saarinen at…


(Encyclopedia) Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)Juvenalj&oomacr;ˈvənəl [key], fl. 1st to 2d cent. a.d., Roman satirical poet. His verse established a model for the satire of indignation, in…

Schiaparelli, Elsa

(Encyclopedia) Schiaparelli, ElsaSchiaparelli, Elsaskyäpärĕlˈlē [key], 1890–1973, French fashion designer, b. Rome. She established a house of couture in Paris that existed from the late 1920s until…

Sillitoe, Alan

(Encyclopedia) Sillitoe, Alan, 1928–2010, English writer, b. Nottingham. The son of an illiterate tannery worker, he grew up in poverty, left school at 14, and was himself a factory worker as a…

Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th earl of

(Encyclopedia) Selkirk, Thomas Douglas, 5th earl of, 1771–1820, Scottish philanthropist, founder of the Red River Settlement. Emigration to America seemed to him the best solution for the poverty of…

Porter, Katherine Anne

(Encyclopedia) Porter, Katherine Anne, 1890–1980, American author, b. Indian Creek, Tex., as Callie Russell Porter. Although she published infrequently, she is regarded as a master of the short story…

Pugin, Augustus Charles

(Encyclopedia) Pugin, Augustus CharlesPugin, Augustus Charlespy&oomacr;ˈjĭn [key], 1762–1832, English writer on medieval architecture, b. France. His writings and drawings furnished a mass of…

Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich

(Encyclopedia) Voznesensky, Andrei AndreyevichVoznesensky, Andrei Andreyevichəndrāˈ əndrāˈəvĭch vəznyəsyānˈskē [key], 1933–2010, Russian poet, b. Moscow. Voznesensky studied at the Moscow…

Epimetheus, in astronomy

(Encyclopedia) Epimetheus, in astronomy, one of the named moons, or natural satellites, of Saturn. Also known as Saturn XI (or S11), Epimetheus is an irregularly shaped (nonspherical) body measuring…

Francis de Sales, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Francis de Sales, Saint, 1567–1622, French Roman Catholic preacher, Doctor of the Church, and key figure in the Counter Reformation in France. He was a member of an aristocratic family…