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Displaying 431 - 440

Hartley, Marsden

(Encyclopedia) Hartley, Marsden, 1877–1943, American painter widely considered the first great American modernist of the 20th cent., b. Lewiston, Maine. He was educated in Cleveland, but early in his…

Bellow, Saul

(Encyclopedia) Bellow, Saul, 1915–2005, American novelist, b. Lachine, Que., as Solomon Bellow, grad. Northwestern Univ., 1937. Born of Russian-Jewish parents, he grew up in the slums of Montreal and…

Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da

(Encyclopedia) Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi daCaravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi damēkālänˈjālō mārēˈzē dä kärävädˈjō [key] or Amerigi da CaravaggioAmerigi da Caravaggioäˌmārēˈjē [key], 1571–1610,…

Needham, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Needham, JosephNeedham, Josephnēdˈəm [key], 1900–1995, British biochemist, historian of science, and sinologist, b. London. He had a lifelong association with Cambridge, where he was…

Jackson, Shirley

(Encyclopedia) Jackson, Shirley, 1916–65, American writer, b. San Francisco. She is best known for her stories and novels of horror and the occult, rendered more terrifying because they are set…

Kertész, André

(Encyclopedia) Kertész, AndréKertész, Andrékĕrtĕshˈ [key], 1894–1985, American photographer, b. Budapest. His black-and-white modernist photographs often capture small, lyrical, and emotionally…

Lodge, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Lodge, Thomas, 1558?–1625, English writer, grad. Oxford, 1577. After abandoning the study of law for literature, he published (c.1580) his defense of poetry and other arts, usually…

Logan, John Alexander

(Encyclopedia) Logan, John Alexander, 1826–86, American politician, Union general in the Civil War, b. Murphysboro, Ill. He fought in the Mexican War and practiced law in Illinois. A Democrat who…

Lynch, David (Keith)

(Encyclopedia) Lynch, David (Keith), 1946–, American film and television writer, producer, and director, b. Missoula, Mont. Trained as a painter, he studied at the Corcoran School of Art, Washington…

Chopin, Kate O'Flaherty

(Encyclopedia) Chopin, Kate O'FlahertyChopin, Kate O'Flahertyshōˌpănˈ [key], 1851–1904, American author, b. St. Louis. Of Creole-Irish descent, she married (1870) a Louisiana businessman and lived…