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Writing Well: When the Meter's Running
When the Meter's RunningWriting WellIn the Hot Seat: Writing Under PressureWhat's the Big Idea?Write This WayThe Golden RulesWhen the Meter's RunningPanic in the Streets So here you are, sitting in…Parts of Speech: Adjectives: Happy Little Clouds
Adjectives: Happy Little CloudsParts of SpeechGrammarNouns: Prime-Time PlayersVerbs: All the Right MovesConjunctions: The Ties That BindPrepositions: Good Things Come in Small PackagesAdjectives:…Writing Well: Have I Got News for You!
Have I Got News for You!Writing WellThe Professional Edge: Writing on the JobHave I Got News for You!Onward and Upward: Resums and Cover Letters “I'd rather write a good-news letter than a bad-news…Writing Well: In the End Zone
In the End ZoneWriting WellIn the End ZoneCredit Given HereStop, Thief!Light at the End of the Tunnel A thesis doesn't become a fact just because you line up some proof. You could find three or more…Writing Well: Information, Please: Speeches That Inform
Information, Please: Speeches That InformWriting WellAll the World's a Stage: Writing SpeechesInformation, Please: Speeches That InformPoint Counterpoint: Speeches That PersuadeLife of the Party:…Writing Well: Life Line: Personal Narratives
Life Line: Personal NarrativesWriting WellTell Me a Story: NarrationNarrative Building BlocksGet Cookin'!Life Line: Personal Narratives Word Watch Autobiographies and biographies are types of…Writing Well: Playing with the Big Kids
Playing with the Big KidsWriting WellWriting Across the CurriculumDifferent Strokes for Different FolksPlaying with the Big KidsFull CreditTwo's Company, Three's a Crowd— Unless You're Writing When…Writing Well: Point Counterpoint: Speeches That Persuade
Point Counterpoint: Speeches That PersuadeWriting WellAll the World's a Stage: Writing SpeechesInformation, Please: Speeches That InformPoint Counterpoint: Speeches That PersuadeLife of the Party:…Clauses: Noun Clauses: What's in a Name?
Noun Clauses: What's in a Name?ClausesIntroductionSubordinating Conjunctions Link 'Em TogetherAdverb Clauses: Hot ShotsAdjective Clauses: Paint by NumbersNoun Clauses: What's in a Name? Not to be…Common Usage Dilemmas: Misplaced Modifiers: Lost and Found
Misplaced Modifiers: Lost and FoundCommon Usage DilemmasIntroductionDangling Modifiers: CounterintelligenceMisplaced Modifiers: Lost and FoundMixed Metaphors: A Dollar Late and a Day ShortSplit…