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Writing Well: Color My World
Color My WorldWriting WellPicture This: DescriptionHelp Is on the Way!Make a Deposit in the Idea BankTake the PlungeColor My WorldMusic to the EyesTools of the TradeAn Affair to Remember Suddenly…Writing Well: Letters of Opinion
Letters of OpinionWriting WellLetter PerfectStamp of ApprovalPeople Who Like People: Social NotesLetters of Opinion How about those Mets? Everybody's got an opinion, and few of us are shy about…Writing Well: Neat and Tidy: Classify-Divide
Neat and Tidy: Classify-DivideWriting WellYou Got Some 'Splaining to Do, Lucy: ExpositionThe Perfect Couple: Cause and EffectNeat and Tidy: Classify-DivideAlike and Different: Comparison and…Writing Well: Subjects vs. Topics
Subjects vs. TopicsWriting WellPaper ChaseTime Flies When You're Having FunSubject to ChangeSubjects vs. TopicsThe Heart of the Matter: Writing a Thesis Statement So now you have a subject, and it's…Writing Well: The Golden Rules
The Golden RulesWriting WellIn the Hot Seat: Writing Under PressureWhat's the Big Idea?Write This WayThe Golden RulesWhen the Meter's RunningPanic in the Streets You want to write as well as you can…Brewer's: Whistle
(noun). Champion of the whistle. The person who can hold out longest in a drinking bout. A Dane, in the train of Anne of Denmark, had an ebony whistle…Percy Bysshe Shelley: A List of the Principal Editions of Shelley's Poetical Works, Showing the Various Printed Sources of the Contents of this Edition
by Percy Bysshe Shelley Notes on the Text and Its PunctuationIndex of First LinesA List of the Principal Editions of Shelley's Poetical Works, Showing the Various Printed Sources of the…Guide to Spelling: Hooked on Phonics: Follow the Rules! Spelling Rules
Follow the Rules! Spelling RulesGuide to Spelling: Hooked on PhonicsIntroductionIf U Cn Reed This …Quick and Dirty Tricks of the TradeAttaching Prefixes and Suffixes: Bits and PiecesContractions:…Pronouns and Case: Who Versus Whom (or Should I Just Shoot Myself Now?)
Who Versus Whom (or Should I Just Shoot Myself Now?)Pronouns and CaseIntroductionWhy Can't a Pronoun Be More Like a Noun?The RulesWho Versus Whom (or Should I Just Shoot Myself Now?) Contemporary…Punctuation: Period, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the Line
Period, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LinePunctuationPunctuation MattersPeriod, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LineThe Comma: A Major PlayerThe Semicolon: Love…