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Punctuation: The Colon: What a Party Animal

The Colon: What a Party AnimalPunctuationPunctuation MattersPeriod, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LineThe Comma: A Major PlayerThe Semicolon: Love Child of the Comma and the…

Writing Well: Color My World

Color My WorldWriting WellPicture This: DescriptionHelp Is on the Way!Make a Deposit in the Idea BankTake the PlungeColor My WorldMusic to the EyesTools of the TradeAn Affair to Remember Suddenly…

Writing Well: Letters of Opinion

Letters of OpinionWriting WellLetter PerfectStamp of ApprovalPeople Who Like People: Social NotesLetters of Opinion How about those Mets? Everybody's got an opinion, and few of us are shy about…

Writing Well: Neat and Tidy: Classify-Divide

Neat and Tidy: Classify-DivideWriting WellYou Got Some 'Splaining to Do, Lucy: ExpositionThe Perfect Couple: Cause and EffectNeat and Tidy: Classify-DivideAlike and Different: Comparison and…

Writing Well: Subjects vs. Topics

Subjects vs. TopicsWriting WellPaper ChaseTime Flies When You're Having FunSubject to ChangeSubjects vs. TopicsThe Heart of the Matter: Writing a Thesis Statement So now you have a subject, and it's…