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Displaying 401 - 410

Palafox, José de

(Encyclopedia) Palafox, José dePalafox, José dehōsāˈ ᵺā päläfôkhˈ [key], 1776?–1847, Spanish general in the Peninsular War, celebrated for his heroic defense of Zaragoza. Elected captain general of…

Papadopoulos, George

(Encyclopedia) Papadopoulos, George (Georgios Papadopoulos)Papadopoulos, Georgepäˌpədŏpˈəlĭs [key], 1919–99, Greek colonel and political leader. A career army officer, he was the strongman of the…

Moreno, Mariano

(Encyclopedia) Moreno, MarianoMoreno, Marianomäryäˈnō mōrāˈnō [key], 1778–1811, Argentine revolutionist and publicist. He became prominent as legal counselor to the royal audiencia and to the cabildo…

Considérant, Victor Prosper

(Encyclopedia) Considérant, Victor ProsperConsidérant, Victor Prospervēktôrˈ prōspârˈ kôNsēdāräNˈ [key], 1808–93, French socialist; follower of Charles Fourier. In 1837, at the death of Fourier, he…

Algerine War

(Encyclopedia) Algerine WarAlgerine Warălˈjərēnˌ [key], early 19th-century conflict between Algiers and the United States. The Tripolitan War (1801–5) had brought a temporary halt to the pirate…

Davis, Charles Henry

(Encyclopedia) Davis, Charles Henry, 1807–77, American naval officer and scientist, b. Boston. Appointed a midshipman in 1823, Davis directed operations of the Coast Survey for a time along the New…

Francis Ferdinand

(Encyclopedia) Francis Ferdinand, 1863–1914, Austrian archduke, heir apparent (after 1889) of his uncle, Emperor Francis Joseph. In 1900 he married a Czech, Sophie Chotek. She was made duchess of…

Cavaignac, Louis Eugène

(Encyclopedia) Cavaignac, Louis EugèneCavaignac, Louis Eugènelwē özhĕnˈ kävānyäkˈ [key], 1802–57, French general. He participated in the French conquest of Algeria and was promoted to general in 1844…

Uno, Sosuke

(Encyclopedia) Uno, Sosuke, 1922–98, Japanese politician, b. Moriyama, Shiga prefecture. He attended Kobe Univ. of Commerce and served in the Japanese army in World War II. A member of the Liberal…

Watie, Stand

(Encyclopedia) Watie, StandWatie, Standwätˈē [key], 1806–71, Native American leader and Confederate general, b. near Rome, Ga., as Degataga Oowatie. Of mixed white and Cherokee descent, he favored…