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Displaying 381 - 390

Kinsey, Alfred Charles

(Encyclopedia) Kinsey, Alfred CharlesKinsey, Alfred Charleskĭnˈzē [key], 1894–1956, American biologist, b. Hoboken, N.J., grad. Bowdoin College (B.S., 1916), Harvard (D.Sc., 1920). He was associated…

Lederberg, Joshua

(Encyclopedia) Lederberg, JoshuaLederberg, Joshualāˈdərbûrgˌ [key], 1925–2008, American geneticist, b. Montclair, N.J., grad. Columbia, 1944, Ph.D. Yale, 1948. He is known for his studies of the…

Steinman, Ralph Marvin

(Encyclopedia) Steinman, Ralph Marvin, 1943–2011, Canadian biologist, M.D. Harvard Medical School, 1968. He was a researcher and professor at Rockefeller Univ., New York City, from 1970 until his…


Robert Anacletus UnderwoodLila Meade ValentineValmikiNydia VelázquezAnn M. VenemanJesse VenturaHenry WadeAn WangNancy Ward Maxine Waters(Alyce) Faye WattletonJ. C. WattsJohn and Eliza…

2006 Deaths: M - Q

Naguib MahfouzMakoArif MardinSophie MaslowRobert McCulloughRobert McFerrin Sr.Darren McGavinEnolia McMillanJay McShannG. William MillerSlobodan MilosevicJohn MoneyEric NamesnikJared…

Metropolitan Museum of Art

(Encyclopedia) Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, founded in 1870. The Metropolitan Museum is the foremost repository of art in the United States and one of the world's great museums. It…

Murdoch, Dame Iris

(Encyclopedia) Murdoch, Dame Iris (Dame Jean Iris Murdoch)Murdoch, Dame Irismûrˈdŏk [key], 1919–99, British novelist and philosopher, b. Dublin, Ireland, grad. Oxford (1942). In 1948 she was named…