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1959 Academy Awards

The 1959 Academy Awards were presented April 4, 1960 at the RKO Pantages Theatre, Hollywood, Calif.Best Motion PictureAnatomy of a Murder, Otto Preminger, producer (Columbia)Ben-Hur, Sam…

NCAA Division I Leaders: Pitching

Earned Run Avg.(At least 50 inn.) Cl Gm IP ERAAaron Heilman, Notre DameFr.3167.01.61Bobby Castelli, Eastern Ill.Jr.2954.21.65Jay Krystofolski, Rhode IslandJr.1168.01.72Eric Gutshall, YaleSr.…

Newlands, John Alexander Reina

(Encyclopedia) Newlands, John Alexander Reina, 1838–98, British chemist. He studied at the Royal College of Chemistry in London and worked as an industrial chemist. Newlands prepared the first…

John Marvin JONES, Congress, TX (1886-1976)

JONES John Marvin , a Representative from Texas; born near Valley View, Cooke County, Tex., February 26, 1882; attended the common schools; John B. Denton College, A.B., 1902; Southwestern…

Roberts, Richard John

(Encyclopedia) Roberts, Richard John, 1943–, British biochemist, Ph.D., Univ. of Sheffield, 1968. Roberts joined James D. Watson's Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York in 1972, becoming…

Gordon, John Brown

(Encyclopedia) Gordon, John Brown, 1832–1904, U.S. public official and Confederate general, b. Upson co., Ga. Gordon began his Civil War service as an infantry captain and so distinguished himself…

1997 NCAA Football Interception Leaders

Interceptions ClNoYdsTDLgBrian Lee, WyomingSr.8103156-tdCedric Donaldson, LSUSr.7192268John Noel, La. TechSr.793034Omarr Smith, San Jose St.Jr.780041Tevell Jones, OhioSr.736021Samari Rolle,…