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(Encyclopedia) PolybiusPolybiuspōlĭˈbēəs [key], 203? b.c.–c.120 b.c., Greek historian, b. Megalopolis. As one of the leaders of the Achaean League and a friend of Philopoemen, he was influential in…

Rienzi, Cola di

(Encyclopedia) Rienzi or Rienzo, Cola diRienzi or Rienzo, Cola dikôˈlä dē rēĕnˈtsē, rēĕnˈtsō [key], 1313?–1354, Roman popular leader. In 1343 on a mission to Pope Clement VI at Avignon, he won the…

Cinna, d. 84 b.c., Roman politician

(Encyclopedia) Cinna (Lucius Cornelius Cinna)Cinnasĭnˈə [key], d. 84 b.c., Roman politician, consul (87 b.c.–84 b.c.), and leader of the popular party. Shortly after Cinna's first election, Sulla…


(Encyclopedia) BithyniaBithyniabĭthĭnˈēə [key], ancient country of NW Asia Minor, in present-day Turkey. The original inhabitants were Thracians who established themselves as independent and were…

Timeline: Olympics, Ancient Greece - 1940s

From ancient Greece to the present day Ancient Greece | Late 1800s | 1900s | 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | Next   Before 776 B.C. Ancient Greece Athletic contests are held at Olympia every four years,…

Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo

(Encyclopedia) Bernini, Giovanni Lorenzo or GianlorenzoBernini, Giovanni Lorenzo or Gianlorenzojōvänˈnē lōrĕnˈtsō, jänlōrĕnˈtsō bĕrnēˈnē [key], 1598–1680, Italian sculptor and architect, b. Naples.…

Moreau, Jeanne

(Encyclopedia) Moreau, JeanneMoreau, Jeannezhän [key]Moreau, Jeanne môrōˈ [key], 1928–2017, French movie actress, b. Paris, studied Conservatoire National d'Art Dramatique. She joined the Comédie…

Conrad, Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Conrad, Joseph, 1857–1924, English novelist, b. Berdichev, Russia (now Berdychiv, Ukraine), originally named Jósef Teodor Konrad Walecz Korzeniowski. Born of Polish parents, he is…

Freedom Riders

(Encyclopedia) Freedom Riders, American civil-rights demonstrators who engaged (1961) in nonviolent protests against segregation of public interstate buses and terminals in the South. From the 1940s…


(Encyclopedia) Rufus, in the New Testament. 1 Son of Simon of Cyrene. 2 Christian in Rome. Perhaps the same as 1.