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Volterra, Daniele da

(Encyclopedia) Volterra, Daniele daVolterra, Daniele dadänyāˈlā dä vōltĕrˈrä [key], 1509–66, Italian mannerist painter and sculptor. His family name was Ricciarelli, but he was known by the name of…

Gregory II, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Gregory II, Saint, d. 731, pope (715–31), a Roman; successor of Constantine. When Byzantine Emperor Leo III tried to impose iconoclasm in Italy by an imperial edict, Gregory answered…


(Encyclopedia) Lucius, in the New Testament. 1 Christian teacher at Antioch, a Cyrenian. 2 Christian at Rome.

James (Jim) Guy TUCKER, Jr., Congress, AR (1943)

TUCKER, James (Jim) Guy, Jr., a Representative from Arkansas; born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Okla., June 13, 1943; educated in the public schools of Little Rock, Ark.; B.A., Harvard…

Laer, Pieter van

(Encyclopedia) Laer or Laar, Pieter vanLaer or Laar, Pieter vanboth: pēˈtər vän lär [key], c.1592–1642, Dutch landscape and genre painter and etcher. In 1625 he went to Rome, where he stayed until…

Sowerby, Leo

(Encyclopedia) Sowerby, LeoSowerby, Leosōˈərbē [key], 1895–1968, American composer and organist, b. Grand Rapids, Mich. Sowerby studied at the American Conservatory, Chicago, and with Percy Grainger…

Flamininus, Titus Quinctius

(Encyclopedia) Flamininus, Titus QuinctiusFlamininus, Titus Quinctiustīˈtəs kwĭngkˈshəs flămĭnīˈnəs [key], c.230–175 b.c., Roman general and statesman. He served in the Second Punic War against…

Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco

(Encyclopedia) Grimaldi, Giovanni FrancescoGrimaldi, Giovanni Francescojōvänˈnē [key]Grimaldi, Giovanni Francesco fränchāsˈkō grēmälˈdē [key], 1606–80, Italian painter and architect, called Il…

Borromini, Francesco

(Encyclopedia) Borromini, FrancescoBorromini, Francescofränchāˈskō bōr-rōmēˈnē [key], 1599–1677, major Italian baroque architect. His first independent commission (begun 1634) was San Carlo alle…