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Lalande, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Lalande, Jean (Saint John Lalande)Lalande, JeanzhäN läläNdˈ [key], d. 1646, French Jesuit missionary in Canada and New York, one of the Jesuit Martyrs of North America. He came to the…

Detaille, Jean Baptiste Édouard

(Encyclopedia) Detaille, Jean Baptiste ÉdouardDetaille, Jean Baptiste ÉdouardzhäN bäptēstˈ ādwärˈ dətäyˈ [key], 1848–1912, French painter. He studied under J. L. E. Meissonier and served in the…

Charlotte, grand duchess of Luxembourg

(Encyclopedia) Charlotte, 1896–1985, grand duchess of Luxembourg (1919–64). The second daughter of Duke William of Nassau-Weilburg and a Portuguese princess, Marie Anne of Braganza, she succeeded her…

Regnard, Jean François

(Encyclopedia) Regnard, Jean FrançoisRegnard, Jean FrançoiszhäN fräNswäˈ rənyärˈ [key], 1655–1709, French comic dramatist. He traveled widely in Europe; captured by Barbary pirates, he was held in…

Renart, Jean

(Encyclopedia) Renart, JeanRenart, JeanzhäN rənärˈ [key], fl. 1212, French poet. He is believed to be the author of two charming romans courtois, or metrical romances—Guillaume de Dole and L'Escoufle…

Gérard, Jean Ignace Isidore

(Encyclopedia) Gérard, Jean Ignace IsidoreGérard, Jean Ignace IsidorezhäN ēnyäsˈ ēzēdôrˈ zhārärˈ [key], 1803–47, French caricaturist, illustrator, and lithographer, better known as Grandville. He is…

Calloc'h, Jean Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Calloc'h, Jean PierreCalloc'h, Jean PierrezhäN pyĕr kälôkhˈ [key], 1888–1917, Breton poet. Important in the revival of Breton literature, he wrote in the Vannes dialect of Brittany.…

Burlamaqui, Jean Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Burlamaqui, Jean JacquesBurlamaqui, Jean JacqueszhäN zhäk b&oobreve;rlämäkēˈ [key], 1694–1748, Swiss jurist. His chief works are Principes du droit naturel [principles of natural…

Blanchard, Jean Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Blanchard, Jean PierreBlanchard, Jean PierrezhäN pyĕr bläNshärˈ [key], or François BlanchardFrançois BlanchardfräNswäˈ [key], 1753–1809, French balloonist. In 1785 he made with Dr.…

Casimir-Perier, Jean Paul Pierre

(Encyclopedia) Casimir-Perier, Jean Paul PierreCasimir-Perier, Jean Paul PierrezhäN pōl pyĕr käzēmērˈ-pĕryāˈ [key], 1847–1907, French president (June, 1894–Jan., 1895). He held several cabinet posts…