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World Conservation Union

(Encyclopedia) World Conservation Union: see International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.


(Encyclopedia) Prestwick, town (1991 pop. 13,355), South Ayrshire, SW Scotland, on the Firth of Clyde. Prestwick is a seaside and golfing resort with an international airport. Light aircraft are…


(Encyclopedia) annexation, in international law, formal act by which a state asserts its sovereignty over a territory previously outside its jurisdiction. Many kinds of territory have been subject to…

Koo, Vi Kuiyuin Wellington

(Encyclopedia) Koo, Vi Kuiyuin WellingtonKoo, Vi Kuiyuin Wellingtonvē jün wĕlˈĭngtən k&oomacr; [key], Mandarin Ku Wei-chün, 1887–1985, Chinese Nationalist diplomat, b. Shanghai. Koo was educated…

Ethical Culture movement

(Encyclopedia) Ethical Culture movement, originating in the Society for Ethical Culture, founded in New York City in 1876, by Felix Adler. Its aim is “to assert the supreme importance of the ethical…

Burle Marx, Roberto

(Encyclopedia) Burle Marx, Roberto, 1909–1994, Brazilian landscape architect. As an art student he visited (1928) Berlin's botanical gardens and became interested in tropical plants. Upon returning…

Ward, Barbara Mary, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth

(Encyclopedia) Ward, Barbara Mary, Baroness Jackson of Lodsworth, 1914–81, British writer. Educated at the Sorbonne and at Oxford, she joined the staff of the Economist in 1939 and became foreign…

Vandervelde, Émile

(Encyclopedia) Vandervelde, ÉmileVandervelde, Émileāmēlˈ vändĕrvĕlˈdə [key], 1866–1938, Belgian statesman and Socialist leader. He entered parliament in 1894, and served in many cabinets, notably as…