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Miami Springs

(Encyclopedia) Miami Springs, city (1990 pop. 13,268), Dade co., SE Fla., a residential suburb of Miami; inc. 1926. The wells in the city supply water to much of Dade co. Miami International Airport…

Nansen International Office for Refugees

(Encyclopedia) Nansen International Office for Refugees, worldwide agency est. 1931 by the League of Nations to work on behalf of refugees. It was named for Fridjof Nansen, head of the League's High…

International Fund for Agricultural Development

(Encyclopedia) International Fund for Agricultural Development(IFAD), specialized agency of the United Nations with headquarters in Rome, Italy. IFAD grew out of the 1974 World Food Conference; it…

International Ladies Garment Workers Union

(Encyclopedia) International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), former U.S. labor union, formed in 1900 by the amalgamation of seven local unions. At the turn of the century most of the workers in…

International Trade Commission, United States

(Encyclopedia) International Trade Commission, United States, independent agency of the U.S. government established in 1916 as the Tariff Commission; renamed International Trade Commission in 1975.…

Saint Stephen

(Encyclopedia) Saint Stephen, town (1991 pop. 4,931), SW N.B., Canada, on the St. Croix River opposite Calais, Maine. The two towns, connected by an international bridge, form virtually a single…


(Encyclopedia) Amstelveen Amstelveen ämˈstəlvān [key], town, North Holland prov., W Netherlands, a suburb of Amsterdam. Amstelveen has light industry and agriculture.…

Eisenberg, Carola

(Encyclopedia) Eisenberg, Carola, 1917-2021, American physician and human and women’s rights advocate; b. Buenos Aires, Argentina, as Caroline…

sea, law of the

(Encyclopedia) sea, law of the, international agreement regulating the use and exploitation of the world's oceans. The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1982) calls for limited, and strictly…

Port Louis

(Encyclopedia) Port Louis, city (1996 est. pop. 135,371), capital of Mauritius, NW Mauritius, a port on the Indian Ocean. It is the nation's largest city and its economic and administrative center.…