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Kirk, Grayson Louis

(Encyclopedia) Kirk, Grayson Louis, 1903–97, American educator, b. Jeffersonville, Ohio, grad. Miami Univ., 1924, Ph.D. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1930. He taught at Wisconsin from 1929, then became a…

Preston, Lewis Thompson

(Encyclopedia) Preston, Lewis Thompson, 1926–95, American financial executive, b. New York City. After serving as a U.S. Marine during World War II and graduating from Harvard (1951), he joined J. P…

Cordier, Andrew Wellington

(Encyclopedia) Cordier, Andrew WellingtonCordier, Andrew Wellingtonkôrˈdē-āˌ [key], 1901–75, American educator and public official, b. Canton, Ohio. He studied at Manchester College in Indiana, where…

Vattel, Emerich de

(Encyclopedia) Vattel, Emerich deVattel, Emerich deāˈmərĭkh də vätĕlˈ [key], 1714–67, Swiss philosopher and jurist. He served (1746–58) as Saxon minister at Bern and later in the cabinet of Augustus…

Universal Postal Union

(Encyclopedia) Universal Postal Union (UPU), specialized agency of the United Nations since 1948, with headquarters at Bern, Switzerland. Established in 1875 following adoption of the Universal…

Walker, Francis Amasa

(Encyclopedia) Walker, Francis Amasa, 1840–97, American economist, statistician, and educator, b. Boston, grad. Amherst; son of Amasa Walker. In the Civil War he was brevetted brigadier general.…

Szewińska, Irena

(Encyclopedia) Szewińska, Irena, 1946–2018, Polish sprinter and long jumper, b. Leningrad (now St. Petersburg, Russia) as Irena Kirszenstein, grad. Univ. of Warsaw, 1970. In her first Olympics (1964…

World Economic Forum

(Encyclopedia) World Economic Forum (WEF), independent international organization that seeks to improve the state of the world by encouraging partnerships between the public and private sectors, est…

World Meteorological Organization

(Encyclopedia) World Meteorological Organization (WMO), specialized agency of the United Nations; established in 1950 with headquarters at Geneva, it became affiliated with the United Nations a year…

Census of Marine Life

(Encyclopedia) Census of Marine Life, an international program (2001–2010) to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of living organisms in the oceans. A project involving more…