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MLB Amateur Draft for the 2000 Season

First round selections at the 36th Amateur Draft held June 5-7, 2000 in New York. Clubs select in reverse order of their standing from the preceding season. The worst National League team selects…

gonadotropic hormone

(Encyclopedia) gonadotropic hormonegonadotropic hormonegōˌnădətrŏpˈĭk [key] or gonadotropin, any one of three glycoprotein (see protein) hormones released by either the anterior pituitary gland or…

magnetic levitation

(Encyclopedia) magnetic levitation or maglevmaglevmăgˈlĕv [key], support and often propulsion of objects or vehicles by the use of magnets. The magnets used in magnetic levitation suspend an object…

Polo, Marco

(Encyclopedia) Polo, MarcoPolo, Marcomärˈkō pōˈlō [key], 1254?–1324?, Venetian traveler in China. His father, Niccolò Polo, and his uncle, Maffeo Polo, had made (1253–60) a trading expedition to…


(Encyclopedia) pump, device to lift, transfer, or increase the pressure of a fluid (gas or liquid) or to create a vacuum in an enclosed space by the removal of a gas (see vacuum pumps under vacuum).…

Greene, Graham

(Encyclopedia) Greene, Graham (Henry Graham Greene), 1904–91, English novelist and playwright. Although most of his works combine elements of the detective story, the spy thriller, and the…

dust, atmospheric

(Encyclopedia) dust, atmospheric, minute particles slowly settling or suspended by slight currents and existing in varying amounts in all air. There is least dust at high levels over the ocean and…

centripetal force and centrifugal force

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Centripetal and centrifugal forces: When a ball is swung in a circle at the end of a string, centripetal and centrifugal forces act as shown above. centripetal force and…

Steinbeck, John

(Encyclopedia) Steinbeck, John, 1902–68, American writer, b. Salinas, Calif., studied at Stanford. He is probably best remembered for his strong sociological novel The Grapes of Wrath, considered one…

Olmsted, Frederick Law

(Encyclopedia) Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822–1903, American landscape architect and writer, b. Hartford, Conn. Although his Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England had appeared in 1852,…