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The True George Washington: Soldier: Temper

TemperThere can be no doubt that Washington had a high temper. Hamilton's allusion to his not being remarkable for "good temper" has already been quoted, as has also Stuart's remark that "all…

Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron

(Encyclopedia) Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron, 1879–1964, British financier, statesman, and newspaper owner, b. Canada. The son of a Scottish Presbyterian clergyman, he grew up near…

Evans, Bill

(Encyclopedia) Evans, Bill, 1929-80, American jazz pianist and composer, b. Plainfield, N.J., as William John Evans, Southeastern Louisiana Univ. (B.…

Noriega, Manuel Antonio

(Encyclopedia) Noriega, Manuel AntonioNoriega, Manuel Antoniomänwĕlˈ äntōˈnyō nôryāˈgə [key], 1934–2017, Panamanian general. Commander of the Panamanian Defense Forces from 1983, when he promoted…

Comstock Lode

(Encyclopedia) Comstock Lode, richest known U.S. silver deposit, W Nevada, on Mt. Davidson in the Virginia Range. It is said to have been discovered in 1857 by Ethan Allen Grosh and Hosea Ballou…

Cloisters, the

(Encyclopedia) Cloisters, the, museum of medieval European art, in Fort Tryon Park, New York City, overlooking the Hudson River. A branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, it was opened to the…