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The True George Washington: Friends

FriendsFamily FriendsThe frequently repeated statement that Washington was a man without friends is not the least curious of the myths that have obtained general credence. That it should be…

The True George Washington: Enemies: Gates

GatesTurning from these public rather than personal foes, a very different type of enemies is encountered in those inimical to Washington in his own army. Chief of these was Horatio Gates,…

The True George Washington: Friends: Hamilton

HamiltonThe longest and closest connection was that with Hamilton. This very young and obscure officer attracted Washington's attention in the campaign of 1776, early in the next year was…

The True George Washington: Social Life: Humor

HumorThe foregoing allusion to Washington's conversation is undoubtedly just. All who met him formally spoke of him as taciturn, but this was not a natural quality. Jefferson states that "in…