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Davies, Sir Peter Maxwell

(Encyclopedia) Davies, Sir Peter MaxwellDavies, Sir Peter Maxwelldāˈvĭs [key], 1934–2016, English composer and conductor, b. Salford, studied Royal Manchester College of Music and Princeton with…

Kafka, Franz

(Encyclopedia) Kafka, FranzKafka, Franzfränts käfˈkä [key], 1883–1924, German-language novelist, b. Prague. Along with Joyce, Kafka is perhaps the most influential of 20th-century writers. From a…

af Klint, Hilma

(Encyclopedia) af Klint, Hilma, 1862–1944, Swedish painter, grad. Swedish Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm (1887). She began painting mainly landscapes and portraits, but is known for her…

Burroughs, William Seward

(Encyclopedia) Burroughs, William Seward, 1914–97, American novelist, b. St. Louis, grad. Harvard, 1936, moved to New York City, 1943. He was an elder member of the beat generation. Junkie (1953),…

Webb, Beatrice Potter

(Encyclopedia) Webb, Beatrice Potter, 1858–1943, English socialist economist; daughter of a wealthy industrialist. She took an early interest in social problems and worked with Charles Booth on his…

Veblen, Thorstein

(Encyclopedia) Veblen, ThorsteinVeblen, Thorsteinthôrˈstīn vĕbˈlən [key], 1857–1929, American economist and social critic, b. Cato Township, Wis. Of Norwegian parentage, he spent his first 17 years…

Beck, Aaron Tempkin

(Encyclopedia) Beck, Aaron Tempkin, 1921-2021, American psychiatrist, b. Providence, R.I., Brown Univ. (B.A., 1942), Yale Univ. (M.D., 1946).…

Berry, Wendell Erdman

(Encyclopedia) Berry, Wendell Erdman, 1934–, American farmer, environmentalist, and writer, b. Henry co., Ky., grad. Univ of Kentucky (B.A., 1956; M.A., 1957). He taught at various colleges including…

Wilson, August

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, August, 1945–2005, American playwright and poet, b. Pittsburgh as Frederick August Kittel, Jr. Largely self-educated, Wilson first attracted wide critical attention with his…

Celan, Paul

(Encyclopedia) Celan, PaulCelan, Paulpôl sālŏn [key], pseud. of Paul AntschelCelan, Pauläntˈshschwa;l [key], 1920–70, Romanian-French poet. Although he spent his early years in Romania and his later…