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De Quincey, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) De Quincey, ThomasDe Quincey, Thomasdə kwĭnˈsē [key], 1785–1859, English essayist. In 1802 he ran away from school and tramped about the country, eventually settling in London. His…


(Encyclopedia) EddaEddaĕdˈə [key], title applied to two distinct works in Old Icelandic. The Poetic Edda, or Elder Edda, is a collection (late 13th cent.) of 34 mythological and heroic lays, most of…

Gide, André

(Encyclopedia) Gide, AndréGide, AndréäNdrāˈ zhēd [key], 1869–1951, French writer. He established a reputation as an unconventional novelist with The Immoralist (1902, tr. 1930), a partly…

Breuer, Marcel Lajos

(Encyclopedia) Breuer, Marcel LajosBreuer, Marcel Lajosbroiˈər [key], 1902–81, American architect and furniture designer, b. Hungary. During the 1920s he was associated, both as student and as…

Buber, Martin

(Encyclopedia) Buber, Martin Buber, Martin b&oomacr;ˈbĕr [key], 1878–1965, Jewish philosopher, b. Vienna. Educated…

Bukowski, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Bukowski, Charles, 1920–94, American underground poet and fiction writer, b. Andernach, Germany. His family immigrated to the United States in 1922, settling in Los Angeles. A hard-…


(Encyclopedia) adhesive, substance capable of sticking to surfaces of other substances and bonding them to one another. The term adhesive cement is sometimes used in place of adhesive, especially…

Gordimer, Nadine

(Encyclopedia) Gordimer, NadineGordimer, Nadinenādēnˈ gôrˈdəmər [key], 1923–2014, South African writer, b. Springs. A member of the African National Congress, Gordimer fought apartheid in her…

Malcolm X

(Encyclopedia) Malcolm X, 1925–65, militant black leader in the United States, also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, b. Malcolm Little in Omaha, Neb…