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Displaying 271 - 280

Luchaire, Achille

(Encyclopedia) Luchaire, AchilleLuchaire, Achilleäshēlˈ lüshĕrˈ [key], 1846–1908, French historian. He edited, in collaboration with Berthold Zeller, L'Histoire de France racontée par les…

De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas

(Encyclopedia) De la Beche, Sir Henry ThomasDe la Beche, Sir Henry Thomasdə lä bāsh, dĕləbĕshˈ [key], 1796–1855, English geologist. As a result of his private undertaking to prepare a geological map…

Keith, Sir Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Keith, Sir Arthur, 1866–1955, British anatomist, b. Aberdeen, Scotland, educated at the Univ. of Aberdeen, University College, London, and the Univ. of Leipzig. He became conservator…

Etherege, Sir George

(Encyclopedia) Etherege, Sir GeorgeEtherege, Sir Georgeĕthˈərĭj [key], 1636–1692, English dramatist. His witty, licentious comedies—The Comical Revenge; or, Love in a Tub (1664) and She Wou'd If She…

Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco

(Encyclopedia) Fenollosa, Ernest FranciscoFenollosa, Ernest Franciscofĕnəlōˈsə [key], 1853–1908, American Orientalist, educator, and poet, b. Salem, Mass., grad. Harvard, 1874. A pioneer in the study…

Newlands, Francis Griffith

(Encyclopedia) Newlands, Francis Griffith, 1848–1917, American legislator, b. Natchez, Miss. After practicing law in San Francisco from 1870, he moved (1888) to Nevada. He became well known for his…

Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart

(Encyclopedia) Blackett, Patrick Maynard StuartBlackett, Patrick Maynard Stuartblăkˈĭt [key], 1897–1974, English physicist. He was professor of physics at the Univ. of Manchester (1937–53) and in…

Place, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Place, Francis, 1771–1854, English radical reformer. A tailor for many years, he educated himself and made his shop a meeting center for radicals and reformers. He was especially…

Roth, Cecil

(Encyclopedia) Roth, Cecil, 1899–1970, Jewish historian and educator, b. London. He was educated at Oxford (Ph.D., 1924) and was reader in Jewish Studies there from 1939 to 1964. Thereafter he was…

Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish

(Encyclopedia) Coomaraswamy, Ananda KentishCoomaraswamy, Ananda Kentishäˌnəndäˈ kĕnˈtĭsh k&oobreve;mäˌrəswäˈmē [key], 1877–1947, art historian, b. Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Raised in London by an…