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Smuts, Jan Christiaan

(Encyclopedia) Smuts, Jan ChristiaanSmuts, Jan Christiaanyän krĭsˈtyän smŭts [key], 1870–1950, South African statesman and soldier, b. Cape Colony. Of Boer (Afrikaner) stock but a British subject by…

Braddock, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Braddock, Edward, 1695–1755, British general in the French and Indian War (see under French and Indian Wars). Although he had seen little active campaigning before 1754, Braddock was…

Front de Libération du Québec

(Encyclopedia) Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ)Front de Libération du QuébecfrôN də lēbĕräsyôNˈ dü kābĕkˈ [key], Canadian separatist group formed in the 1960s to bring about the independence of…


(Encyclopedia) IseyinIseyinēsāˈăN [key], town (1991 est. pop. 192,000), SW Nigeria. The city, located in a tobacco-growing region, has an important traditional textile industry. Iseyin was the…


(Encyclopedia) JajaJajajäˈjə [key], fl. 1869–87, Nigerian merchant prince. A former slave, he became an important trader in Bonny in the 1860s as a middleman between the coastal markets and the…

Dawes, William

(Encyclopedia) Dawes, William, 1745–99, figure in the American Revolution, b. Boston, Mass. On the night of Apr. 18, 1775, Dawes rode from Boston, via Brighton Bridge, to Lexington, warning the…


(Encyclopedia) KamloopsKamloopskămˈl&oomacr;ps [key], city (1991 pop. 67,057), S British Columbia, Canada, at the junction of the North Thompson and South Thompson rivers. A trading post was…

Prince Rupert

(Encyclopedia) Prince Rupert, city (1991 pop. 16,620), W British Columbia, Canada, on Kaien Island, in Chatham Sound near the mouth of the Skeena River, S of the Alaska border. A railroad and highway…

Sloane, Sir Hans

(Encyclopedia) Sloane, Sir Hans, 1660–1753, British physican and naturalist, president of the Royal College of Physicians (1719–35) and of the Royal Society (1727–40). His collection of botanical…


(Encyclopedia) StikineStikinestĭkēnˈ [key], river, 335 mi (539 km) long, rising in the Stikine Mts., NW British Columbia, Canada. It flows in an arc west and southwest, crossing SE Alaska, to the…