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Brewer's: Conscience Money

Money paid anonymously to Government by persons who have defrauded the revenue. Their conscience being uneasy, they send the deficit to the Treasury, and the sum is advertised in the…

Liberal party, former British political party

(Encyclopedia) Liberal party, former British political party, the dominant political party in Great Britain for much of the period from the mid-1800s to World War I. By 1914 the Liberal government…

Pitt, William, 1759–1806, British statesman

(Encyclopedia) Pitt, William, 1759–1806, British statesman; 2d son of William Pitt, 1st earl of Chatham. Trained as a lawyer, he entered Parliament in 1781 and in 1782 at the age of 23 became…

Bill of Rights, in British history

(Encyclopedia) Bill of Rights, 1689, in British history, one of the fundamental instruments of constitutional law. It registered in statutory form the outcome of the long 17th-century struggle…

Línea, La

(Encyclopedia) Línea, LaLínea, Lalä lēˈnāä [key], city (1990 pop. 61,597), Cádiz prov., S Spain, on the Strait of Gibraltar. Situated on the Spanish border north of the neutral zone that separates…

Machen, Arthur

(Encyclopedia) Machen, ArthurMachen, Arthurmăkˈən [key], 1863–1947, British author, b. Wales. He wrote a series of semiautobiographical fantasies, notably The Hill of Dreams (1907) and Far Off Things…

Macarthur, Mary Reid

(Encyclopedia) Macarthur, Mary Reid, 1880–1921, British labor organizer, b. Glasgow, Scotland. Working in her father's draper's shop, she became prominent in the shop assistants' union. As the…

Abercromby, Sir Ralph

(Encyclopedia) Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 1734–1801, British general. After serving in the Seven Years War, he returned to service in 1793 against France, where he commanded a brilliant retreat in…

Edwards, Edward

(Encyclopedia) Edwards, Edward, 1812–86, English library pioneer. As assistant from 1839 in the British Museum, he helped Sir Anthony Panizzi draw up the rules for the catalog. Edwards collected…

Shrapnel, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Shrapnel, HenryShrapnel, Henryshrăpˈnəl [key], 1761–1842, British general, inventor of the shrapnel shell. The shell, consisting of a steel case filled with bullets and an explosive…