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Arbuthnot, John

(Encyclopedia) Arbuthnot, JohnArbuthnot, Johnärbŭthˈnət, ärˈbəthnŏt [key], 1667–1735, Scottish author and scientist, court physician (1705–14) to Queen Anne. He is best remembered for his five “John…

Luce, Clare Boothe

(Encyclopedia) Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903–87, American playwright and diplomat, whose name originally was Anne Clare Boothe, b. New York City. Witty, outspoken, glamorous, and an articulate political…

Diane de Poitiers

(Encyclopedia) Diane de PoitiersDiane de Poitiersdyän də [key]Diane de Poitierspwätyāˈ [key], 1499–1566, duchess of Valentinois, mistress of King Henry II of France. Noted for her beauty, Diane, who…

diminishing returns, law of

(Encyclopedia) diminishing returns, law of, in economics, law stating that if one factor of production is increased while the others remain constant, the overall returns will relatively decrease…

Daniel, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Daniel, Samuel, 1562?–1619, English poet and historian. He was tutor to William Herbert, 3d earl of Pembroke, and later to Lady Anne Clifford. Eventually he found favor with James I,…

Drayton, Michael

(Encyclopedia) Drayton, Michael, 1563–1631, English poet. The son of a prosperous tradesman, he received his educational training in the house of Sir Henry Goodere, where he served as page. There he…

Goodrich, Leland Matthew

(Encyclopedia) Goodrich, Leland Matthew, 1899–1990, American political scientist, b. Lewiston, Maine, grad. Bowdoin College, 1920, and Harvard (M.A., 1921; Ph.D., 1925). He taught political science…

Guarini, Guarino

(Encyclopedia) Guarini, GuarinoGuarini, Guarinogwärēˈnō gwärēˈnē [key], 1624–83, Italian architect, mathematician, and writer. He was one of the first to analyze with perceptivity the structure of…

Underhill, John

(Encyclopedia) Underhill, John, c.1597–1672, military commander in the American colonies, b. England. In 1630 he accompanied John Winthrop (1588–1649) to Massachusetts Bay, and in 1637 he…

Henry VIII, king of England

(Encyclopedia) Henry VIII, 1491–1547, king of England (1509–47), second son and successor of Henry VII. Henry was a supreme egotist. He advanced personal desires under the guise of public policy…