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Henrietta of England

(Encyclopedia) Henrietta of England (Henrietta Anne), 1644–70, duchesse d'Orléans, called Madame; sister-in-law of King Louis XIV of France. The daughter of King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria…

Lovelace, Ada

(Encyclopedia) Lovelace, Ada (Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace), 1815–1852, English mathematician, b. London as Augusta Ada Byron. The daughter of the poet Lord Byron and Anne Isabella…

Chaillé-Long, Charles

(Encyclopedia) Chaillé-Long, CharlesChaillé-Long, Charlesshäyāˈ-lông [key], 1842–1917, American soldier, African explorer, and writer, b. Princess Anne, Md. After serving in the Civil War, he was…

Hauptmann, Bruno Richard

(Encyclopedia) Hauptmann, Bruno Richard, 1899–1936, convicted kidnapper and murderer, b. Germany. The infant son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh was abducted (Mar. 1, 1932) at Hopewell, N.J.,…

Queensberry, James Douglas, 2d duke of

(Encyclopedia) Queensberry, James Douglas, 2d duke of, 1662–1711, Scottish statesman. One of the early supporters of William III in Scotland, he held offices under him and Queen Anne, rising to…

Prior, Matthew

(Encyclopedia) Prior, Matthew, 1664–1721, English poet and diplomat, b. Wimborne, Dorset. With his appointment as secretary to the embassy at The Hague during the negotiations leading to the Treaty…

Warwick, Richard de Beauchamp, earl of

(Encyclopedia) Warwick, Richard de Beauchamp, earl of, 1382–1439, English nobleman; son of Thomas de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick. He fought for Henry IV against Owen Glendower in Wales and the Percys…

Carstares, William

(Encyclopedia) Carstares or Carstairs, William, 1649–1715, Scottish statesman and Presbyterian divine. While studying theology at Utrecht, he became a friend of William of Orange (later William III…

Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl of

(Encyclopedia) Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl ofClarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st earl ofklârˈəndən [key], 1609–74, English statesman and historian. Elected (1640) to the Short and Long parliaments, he…