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(Encyclopedia) sesamesesamesĕsˈəmē [key], herb (Sesamum indicum or orientale) cultivated for its seeds since ancient times, found chiefly in the tropics of Africa and Asia. Sesame seeds, also called…

Randi, James

(Encyclopedia) Randi, James (Randall James Hamilton Zwinge), 1928–2020, Canadian-American illusionist and psychic investigator, b. Toronto. Performing as “The Amazing Randi,” he was a conjurer and…

Pobyedonostzev, Konstantin Petrovich

(Encyclopedia) Pobyedonostzev, Konstantin PetrovichPobyedonostzev, Konstantin Petrovichkənstəntyēnˈ pētrôˈvĭch pəbyĕdənôsˈtsyĭf [key], 1827–1907, Russian public official and jurist. He was professor…

Peter II, king of Yugoslovia

(Encyclopedia) Peter II, 1923–70, king of Yugoslavia (1934–45). He succeeded under the regency of his cousin, Prince Paul, when his father, King Alexander, was assassinated in Marseilles. In World…

Tewfik Pasha

(Encyclopedia) Tewfik Pasha (Muhammad Tewfik)Tewfik Pashatoufēkˈ päshäˈ [key], 1852–92, khedive of Egypt (1879–92). He acceded to office when his father, Ismail Pasha, was deposed. In 1880, Tewfik…

European Atomic Energy Community

(Encyclopedia) European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom or EAEC), economic organization that came into being as the 3d treaty organization of what has become the European Union; established by the…

Copenhagen, battle of

(Encyclopedia) Copenhagen, battle of, 1801, an important incident of the French Revolutionary Wars. In Dec., 1800, Denmark joined Russia, Sweden, and Prussia in declaring the armed neutrality of the…

Costa e Silva, Artur da

(Encyclopedia) Costa e Silva, Artur daCosta e Silva, Artur daərt&oomacr;rˈ dä koŏshˈtə ĕ sēlˈvə [key], 1902–69, president of Brazil (1967–69). An army general, he participated in the 1964 coup…

Tehran Conference

(Encyclopedia) Tehran Conference, Nov. 28–Dec. 1, 1943, meeting of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Premier Joseph Stalin at Tehran, Iran. The conference was…

War Production Board

(Encyclopedia) War Production Board (WPB), former U.S. government agency, established (Jan., 1942) by executive order to direct war production and the procurement of materials in World War II. The…