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Arabic languages

(Encyclopedia) Arabic languages, members of the West Semitic group of the Semitic subdivision of the Afroasiatic family of languages (see Afroasiatic languages). The Arabic languages comprise North…


(Encyclopedia) semantics [Gr.,=significant] in general, the study of the relationship between words and meanings. The empirical study of word meanings and sentence meanings in existing languages is a…

Native American languages

(Encyclopedia) Native American languages, languages of the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere and their descendants. A number of the Native American languages that were spoken at the time of…

Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad

(Encyclopedia) Ibn Hanbal, AhmadIbn Hanbal, Ahmadäˈməd ĭbˈən hănˈbăl [key], 780–855, Muslim jurist and theologian. His disciples founded the fourth of the four major Sunni schools of jurisprudence,…


(Encyclopedia) hose, covering for the legs and feet. In the Middle Ages the leg was bound from the ankle to the knee with hides or cloth and then cross-gartered with thongs or strips of cloth; later…

Mary Magdalene

(Encyclopedia) Mary MagdaleneMary Magdalenemăgˈdələn; formerly, and still in Magdalen College, Oxford, and Magdalene College, Cambridge, môdˈlən, hence [key] Mary Magdalenemaudlin, [key] Mary…

miniature painting

(Encyclopedia) miniature painting [Ital.,=artwork, especially manuscript initial letters, done with the red lead pigment minium; the word originally had no implication as to size]. In a general sense…


(Encyclopedia) intuition, in philosophy, way of knowing directly; immediate apprehension. The Greeks understood intuition to be the grasp of universal principles by the intelligence (nous), as…


(Encyclopedia) encyclical, originally, a pastoral letter sent out by a bishop, now a solemn papal letter, meant to inform the whole church on some particular matter of importance. Benedict XIV…