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Morse code

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Morse code [for S. F. B. Morse], the arbitrary set of signals used on the telegraph (see code). It may also be used with a flash lamp for visible signaling. The international (…

Mary Magdalene

(Encyclopedia) Mary MagdaleneMary Magdalenemăgˈdələn; formerly, and still in Magdalen College, Oxford, and Magdalene College, Cambridge, môdˈlən, hence [key] Mary Magdalenemaudlin, [key] Mary…


(Encyclopedia) encyclical, originally, a pastoral letter sent out by a bishop, now a solemn papal letter, meant to inform the whole church on some particular matter of importance. Benedict XIV…


(Encyclopedia) cemetery, name used by early Christians to designate a place for burying the dead. First applied in Christian burials in the Roman catacombs, the word cemetery came into general usage…


(Encyclopedia) typographytypographytīpŏgˈrəfē [key], the art of printing from movable type. The term typographer is today virtually synonymous with a master printer skilled in the techniques of type…

Sino-Tibetan languages

(Encyclopedia) Sino-Tibetan languages, family of languages spoken by over a billion people in central and SE Asia. This linguistic family is second only to the Indo-European stock in the number of…


(Encyclopedia) soviet, primary unit in the political organization of the former USSR. The term is the Russian word for council. The first soviets were revolutionary committees organized by Russian…


(Encyclopedia) PindarPindarpĭnˈdər [key], 518?–c.438 b.c., Greek poet, generally regarded as the greatest Greek lyric poet. A Boeotian of noble birth, he lived principally at Thebes. He traveled…


(Encyclopedia) Kalmykia or Republic of Kalmykia-Khalmg-Tangeh, constituent republic (1990 est. pop. 329,000), c.29,400 sq mi (76,150 sq km), SE European Russia, on the Caspian Sea. Elista is the…