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(Encyclopedia) Chillicothe Chillicothe chĭlˌĭkŏthˈē [key], city (2020 pop. 22,059), seat of Ross co., S central Ohio,…


(Encyclopedia) drawing, art of the draftsman. In its broadest sense it includes every use of the delineated line and is thus basic to the arts of painting, architecture, sculpture, calligraphy, and…

angry young men

(Encyclopedia) angry young men, term applied to a group of English writers of the 1950s whose heroes share certain rebellious and critical attitudes toward society. This phrase, which was originally…

cane, walking stick

(Encyclopedia) cane, walking stick. Probably used first as a weapon, it gradually took on the symbolism of strength and power and eventually authority and social prestige. Ancient Egyptian rulers…


(Encyclopedia) salsa salsa sälˈsə, sôlˈ– [key], American popular music developed largely in New York City during…


(Encyclopedia) robot or automatonrobotôtämˈətänˌ [key] mechanical device designed to perform the work generally done by a human being. The Czech dramatist Karel Čapek popularized the expression […


(Encyclopedia) sagebrush, name for several species of Artemisia, deciduous shrubs of the family Asteraceae (aster family), particularly abundant in arid regions of W North America. The common…

Quine, W. V.

(Encyclopedia) Quine, W. V. (Willard Van Orman Quine)Quine, W. V.kwīn [key], 1908–2000, American philosopher and mathematical logician, b. Akron, Ohio, grad. Oberlin, 1930. He studied at Harvard (Ph.…

Sand Creek

(Encyclopedia) Sand Creek, Colorado, site of a massacre (1864) of Cheyenne by Col. John M. Chivington and his Colorado Volunteers. The Cheyennes, led by Black Kettle, had offered to make peace and,…


(Encyclopedia) tattoo, the marking of the skin with punctures into which pigment is rubbed. The word originates from the Tahitian tattau [to mark]. The term is sometimes extended to scarification,…