Biographies: Deaths of 2008
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Deaths of 2008
- Agee, Philip, former CIA officer
- Berenbaum, Shmuel, Rabbi
- Bessmertnova, Natalia, ballerina
- Bonanno, Bill, mob member
- Booker, Cedella, singer
- Boring, Floyd M., Secret Service agent
- Bowman, Christopher, figure skater
- Bradley, David, author
- Browning, Kirk, TV director
- Brumberg, Abraham, writer
- Buckley, William Frank, writer, editor
- Burk, Joe, former rowing champion
- Calvo-Sotelo, Leopoldo, former prime minister of Spain
- Carlin, George, comedian
- Charisse, Cyd, actress
- Christodoulos, Archbishop, former Archbishop of Greece
- Clarke, Arthur C., science fiction writer
- Daly, John, film producer
- Daniel, Margaret Truman, U.S. president's daughter
- Darwish, Mahmoud, Palestinian poet
- Dassin, Jules, American director
- Davies, Jamie, founder of Schramsberg Vineyards
- Degeollado, Rev. Marcial Maciel, Catholic priest
- Diddley, Bo, rock musician
- Drnovsek, Janez, former Slovenian President
- Feeney, Joe, singer
- Felker, Clay S., editor and publisher
- Fischer, Bobby, chess player
- Fraser, George MacDonald, British writer
- Frontiere, Georgia, NFL team owner
- Galston, Arthur, Agent Orange creator
- Geremek, Bronislaw, political figure
- Getty, Estelle, actress
- Gonzalez, Angel, Spanish poet
- Grillet-Robbe, Alain, French Author
- Gygax, Gary, game creator
- Haider, Jorg, Austrian politician
- Harrison, Gilbert, publisher and editor
- Hayes, Isaac, singer, actor
- Helms, Jesse, U.S. Senator
- Heston, Charlton, actor
- Hillary, Sir Edmund, mountaineer and explorer
- Hillery, Patrick, former President of Ireland
- Hinckley, Gordon B., American religious leader
- Hofmann, Albert, Swiss chemist
- Jaffe, Ernst, hematologist
- Johnston, Ollie, Disney animator
- Jones, Stephanie Tubbs, U.S. Representative
- Kamel, Stanley, actor
- Karcher, Carl N., hamburger entrepeneur
- Knerr, Richard, toy inventor
- Lantos, Tom, congressman
- Lederberg, Joshua, scientist and Nobel winner
- Ledger, Heath, actor
- Lewis, John, lawyer
- Loving, Mildred, prevailed in Supreme Court case
- Mac, Bernie, comedian and actor
- Marlowe, Stephen, fiction novelist
- Metzenbaum, Howard, U.S. Senator
- Moore, Robin, American writer
- Morrice, Norman, former ballet artistic director
- Mugniyah, Imad, Hezbollah terrorist
- Mwanawasa, Levy, president of Zambia
- Nettleton, Lois, former actress
- Newman, Paul, actor
- Newton, Peter, wine vintner
- Page, Bettie, pinup model
- Patarkatsishvili, Badri, opposition leader
- Pausch, Randy, professor and inspirational speaker
- Phillips, John, Civil Court judge
- Pleshette, Suzanne, sitcom actress
- Podres, Johnny, baseball pitcher
- Ponticelli, Lazare, French veteran
- Pollack, Sydney, Hollywood director
- Rahho, Archbishop Paulos Faraj, Iraqi archbishop
- Rauschenberg , Robert, American painter
- Rediger, Alexei, head of Russian Church
- Reid, Irene, actress and singer
- Renfro, Brad, former child actor
- Russert, Tim, NBC news anchorman
- Saint-Laurent, Yves, fashion designer
- Scheider, Roy, actor
- Scofield, Paul, British actor
- Seiberling, John Frederick, Ohio Representative
- Sendler, Irena, rescuer of children
- Sethi, Pramod Karan, orthodpedic doctor
- Simplot, Jack, American billionaire
- Smith, Mike, lead singer
- Solzhenitsyn , Aleksandr Isayevich, Russian writer
- Sorenson, James, entrepeneur
- Snow, Tony, White House press secretary
- Stubbs, Levi, lead singer
- Suharto, former Indonesian president
- Upshaw, Gene, NFL football player
- Vrinat, Jean-Claude, restaurant owner
- Wallace, David Foster, writer
- White, Ralph Bradshaw, explorer and cameraman
- Weizenbaum, Joseph, computer programmer
- Whitney, Phyllis A., author
- Widmark, Richard, actor
- Wolff, Milton, American commander
- Wright, Richard, keyboardist
- Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh, spiritual leader
See also: