Biographies: A -C
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

- Alvar Aalto
- Iorwith Wilbur Abel
- Sir Patrick Abercrombie
- Henry Carter Adams
- Alexander Agassiz
- Horace Marden Albright
- Maurice Allais
- Sir Hugh Allan
- Linda Alvarado
- Oakes Ames
- Othmar Hermann Ammann
- Elias Milton Ammons
- Mary Anderson
- Androuet du Cerceau
- Sir Norman Angell
- Nicolas Appert
- Robert Applegarth
- Joseph Arch
- Elizabeth Arden
- Sir Richard Arkwright
- Philip Danforth Armour
- Kenneth Joseph Arrow
- Aaron Arrowsmith
- John Arrowsmith
- Thomas Howard, earl of Arundel
- Mary Kay Ash
- Laura Ashley
- William Henry Ashley
- John Jacob Astor
- John Jacob Astor
- John Jacob Astor
- William Backhouse Astor
- William Backhouse Astor
- William Waldorf Astor, 1st Viscount Astor
- Roger Babson
- Jules Semon Bache
- Richard Bache
- Robert Bacon
- Jodocus Badius
- Karl Baedeker
- George Frederick Baer
- John Logie Baird
- Sir Benjamin Baker
- George Fisher Baker
- Oliver Edwin Baker
- Emily Greene Balch
- Matthias William Baldwin
- Cristóbal Balenciaga
- Ludwig Bamberger
- Samuel Bamford
- Aleksandr Andreyevich Baranov
- Baring
- Barnett Barnato
- Robert Joseph Barro
- Clarence Walker Barron
- Bernard Mannes Baruch
- John Baskerville
- Frédéric Bastiat
- Tomas Bata
- William Maxwell Aitken, Beaverbrook
- Gary Becker
- Charlotte Beers
- Alfred Beit
- Pietro Belluschi
- James Gordon Bennett
- James Gordon Bennett
- Henry Bergh
- Charles Frambach Berlitz
- William Henry Beveridge
- Ernest Bevin
- Jeff Bezos
- Nicholas Biddle
- Clarence Birdseye
- Cathleen Black
- Conrad Moffat Black
- Sir Basil Blackwell
- Willem Janszoon Blaeu
- Bill Blass
- Michael Bloomberg
- Giambattista Bodoni
- William Edward Boeing
- Eugen Böhm-Bawerk
- Pierre le Pesant, sieur de Boisguilbert
- Gail Borden
- Boulle
- Edward Bowes
- Erskine Bowles
- Andrew Bradford
- John Bradford
- William Bradford
- William Bradford
- George Bradshaw
- Diamond Jim Brady
- Joseph Bramah
- Richard Branson
- James Bridger
- Harry Bridges
- Robert Somers Brookings
- Moses Brown
- Nicholas Brown
- John Moses Browning
- Charles Francis Brush
- John Henry Bryan, Jr.
- James McGill Buchanan
- Abel Buell
- Buffalo Bill
- Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington
- Daniel Hudson Burnham
- Arthur F. Burns
- John Burns
- Otway Burns
- Sir William Burrell
- Gussie Busch
- Jeanie Buss
- Billy Butlin
- John Butterfield
- Ebenezer Butterick
- George Cabot
- George Cadbury
- John Elliot Cairnes
- Robert Calvi
- Pierre Joseph Cambon
- Andrew Carr Cameron
- Robert Campbell
- Robert Campbell
- Pierre Cardin
- Henry Charles Carey
- Mathew Carey
- Chester Carlson
- Andrew Carnegie
- Willis Haviland Carrier
- Richard D'Oyly Carte
- Gustav Cassel
- Oleg Cassini
- Edward Cave
- William Caxton
- Jean Gabriel Cerré
- Clyde Vernon Cessna
- Edward Chamberlin
- Robert Chambers
- William Chambers
- Coco Chanel
- Ming E. Chang
- Cesar Estrada Chavez
- Joyce Chen
- Tei Fu Chen
- Michel Chevalier
- George William Childs
- Thomas Chippendale
- John Simpson Chisum
- René Auguste Chouteau
- Edwin P. Christy
- Walter Percy Chrysler
- James Chu
- John Chuang
- Walter McLennan Citrine
- Liz Claiborne
- Colin Clark
- John Bates Clark
- Robert Sterling Clark
- Étienne Clavière
- Frederick Albert Cleveland
- Henry Clews
- Ronald H. Coase
- Jacques Cœur
- George Michael Cohan
- William Colgate
- Simon de Colines
- Edward Knight Collins
- Patrick Colquhoun
- John Colter
- John Rogers Commons
- Harry Sayles Conover
- Thomas Cook
- Jay Cooke
- Peter Cooper
- William Wilson Corcoran
- Alonzo B. Cornell
- Ezra Cornell
- George Bruce Cortelyou
- James Hamilton Couper
- James Couzens
- Louis Mitchell Coxetter
- John Crerar
- Charles Cressent
- Charles Crocker
- William Nelson Cromwell
- Michael Cudahy
- Sir Samuel Cunard
- Nathaniel Currier
- Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar Curtis
- Glenn Hammond Curtiss
- John Perkins Cushing