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(Encyclopedia) Compton, city (2021pop. 95,740), Los Angeles co., S Calif., a suburb between Los Angeles and Long Beach; inc. 1888. It has aircraft,…

Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy

(Encyclopedia) Compton-Burnett, Dame IvyCompton-Burnett, Dame Ivykŏmˈtən-bûrˈnət [key], 1892–1969, English novelist. Educated at the Univ. of London, she lived quietly in London for most of her life…

Compton effect

(Encyclopedia) Compton effect [for A. H. Compton], increase in the wavelengths of X rays and gamma rays when they collide with and are scattered from loosely bound electrons in matter. This effect…

compulsive gambling

(Encyclopedia) compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, a psychological disorder characterized by a persistent inability to resist the impulse to gamble. The disorder is progressive and…


(Encyclopedia) compurgationcompurgationkŏmˌpərgāˈshən [key], in medieval law, a complete defense. A defendant could establish his innocence or nonliability by taking an oath and by getting a required…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Schematic diagram of a computer system: Data flow is indicated by solid lines; control signals are indicated by dashed lines. computer, device capable of performing a series of…

computer-aided design

(Encyclopedia) computer-aided design (CAD) or computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), form of automation that helps designers prepare drawings, specifications, parts lists, and other design-…


(Encyclopedia) AlbinusAlbinusălbīˈnəs [key]: see Alcuin.

computer-aided manufacturing

(Encyclopedia) computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), a form of automation where computers communicate work instructions directly to the manufacturing machinery. The technology evolved from the…