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Brewer's: Trigon

The junction of three signs. The zodiac is partitioned into four trigons, named respectively after the four elements; the watery trigon includes Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces; the fiery,…

Brewer's: Aquarius

[the water-bearer ]. One of the signs of the zodiac (January 20th to February 18th). So called because it appears when the Nile begins to overflow. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable…

Brewer's: Aries

The Ram. The sign of the Zodiac in which the sun is from March 21st to April 20th. “At last from Aries rolls the bounteous sun.” Thomson: Spring, 20. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Brewer's: Libra

[the balance ]. One of the twelve signs of the Zodiac (September 22 to October 22), when day and night being weighed would be found equal. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E.…

Brewer's: Cancer

(the Crab) appears when the sun has reached his highest northern limit, and begins to go backward towards the south; but, like a crab, the return is sideways (June 21st to July 23rd).…

Brewer's: City of God

(The). The church or whole body of believers; the kingdom of Jesus Christ, in contradistinction to the city of the World, called by John Bunyan the City of Destruction. The phrase is that…

Brewer's: Precious Stones

(1) Each month, according to the Poles, is under the influence of a precious stone: (2) In relation to the signs of the Zodiac:- (3) In relation to the planets.- The ancients divided…

Brewer's: Exaltation

In old astrology, a planet was said to be in its “exaltation” when it was in that sign of the zodiac in which it was supposed to exercise its strongest influence. Thus the exaltation of…

Brewer's: Ascapart

A giant conquered by Sir Bevis of Southampton. He was thirty feet high, and the space between his eyes was twelve inches. This mighty giant, whose effigy figures on the city gates of…

Brewer's: Balance

(The) “Libra,” the 7th sign of the zodiac, which contains the autumnal equinox. According to fable it is Astræa, who, in the iron age, returned from earth to heaven. Virgil, to praise the…