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Brewer's: Ram's Horn

(A). A loud, vulgar, unpolished speaker. A smooth-tongued orator is called a “silver trumpet.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RamaRam of the Zodiac A B C…

Brewer's: Zobeide

(2 syl.). A lady of Bagdad, whose history is related in the Three Calenders. The Kalif Haroun-al-Ras-chid married her. (Arabian Nights.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Capricorn

Called by Thomson, in his Winter, “the centaur archer.” Anciently, the winter solstice occurred on the entry of the sun into Capricorn; but the stars, having advanced a whole sign to the…

Brewer's: Lion's Claws

Commonly used as ornaments to the legs of furniture, as tables, chairs, etc.; emblematical of strength and stability. The Greeks and Romans employed, for the same purpose, the hoofs of…

Brewer's: Zohar

The name of a Jewish book containing cabalistic expositions of the “books of Moses.” Traditionally ascribed to Rabbi Simon ben Yochi, first century; but probably belonging to the…

Brewer's: Lion of the Reformation

(The). Spenser says that while Una was seeking St. George, she sat to rest herself, when a lion rushed suddenly out of a thicket, with gaping mouth and lashing tail; but as he drew near he…

retrograde motion

(Encyclopedia) retrograde motion, in astronomy, real or apparent movement of a planet, dwarf planet, moon, asteroid, or comet from east to west relative to the fixed stars. The most common direction…

Do You Know the Horoscope Constellations?

Are you ready to embark on a cosmic journey through the zodiac constellations? Test your knowledge of these celestial patterns and their astrological significance with our stellar quiz.

Constellations Picture Quiz

/* /*]]>*/ The sky has been studied for centuries, even before the invention of telescopes. We have identified 12 zodiac constellations, can you name them all?