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potassium nitrate

(Encyclopedia) potassium nitrate, chemical compound, KNO3, occurring as colorless, prismatic crystals or as a white powder; it is found pure in nature as the mineral saltpeter, or niter. (The name…


(Encyclopedia) stonefly, any insect of the order Plecoptera. North American species, of which there are more than 200, are yellowish, greenish, or brownish in the adult stage and have transparent…


(Encyclopedia) OrontesOrontesōrŏnˈtēs [key], Arab. Nahr al-Asi, river, c.250 mi (400 km) long, rising in the northern part of the Al Biqa valley, Lebanon, and flowing generally N through Syria, then…


(Encyclopedia) rennet, substance containing rennin, an enzyme having the property of clotting, or curdling, milk. It is used in the making of cheese and junket. Rennet is obtained from the stomachs…


(Encyclopedia) gelatin or animal jelly, foodstuff obtained from connective tissue (found in hoofs, bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage) of vertebrate animals by the action of boiling water or…

gills, in biology

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Gills of a fish: Side view (A) and ventral view (B) gills, external respiratory organs of most aquatic animals. In fishes the gills are located in gill chambers at the rear of…

hydrogen chloride

(Encyclopedia) hydrogen chloride, chemical compound, HCl, a colorless, poisonous gas with an unpleasant, acrid odor. It is very soluble in water and readily soluble in alcohol and ether. It fumes in…


(Encyclopedia) hydroxidehydroxidehīdrŏkˈsīd [key], chemical compound that contains the hydroxyl (−OH) radical. The term refers especially to inorganic compounds. Organic compounds that have the…


(Encyclopedia) windsurfing, also called boardsailing or sailboarding, water sport that employs a board-and-sail device and combines elements of sailing and surfing. The sailboard was first developed…


(Encyclopedia) island, relatively small body of land surrounded entirely by water. (As the oceans form a continuous mass of water on the earth's surface, all continents are islands in the strict…