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(Encyclopedia) backswimmer, common name for water bugs of the cosmopolitan family Notonectidae, so named because they swim upside down, usually near the surface of the water. They have oval bodies…


(Encyclopedia) photosynthesisphotosynthesisfōˌtōsĭnˈthəsĭs [key], process in which green plants, algae, and cyanobacteria utilize the energy of sunlight to manufacture carbohydrates from carbon…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Typical warm-air heating system heating, means of making a building comfortably warm relative to a colder outside temperature. Old, primitive methods of heating a building or a…


(Encyclopedia) sponge, common name for members of the aquatic animal phylum Porifera, and for the dried, processed skeletons of certain species used to hold water. Over 4,500 living species are known…


(Encyclopedia) hygiene, science of preserving and promoting the health of both the individual and the community. It has many aspects: personal hygiene (proper living habits, cleanliness of body and…

Delaware River Basin Compact

(Encyclopedia) Delaware River Basin CompactDelaware River Basin Compactdĕlˈəwâr, –wər [key], providing for the utilization and development of the water resources of the Delaware River basin. In 1961…

dry farming

(Encyclopedia) dry farming, farming system adopted in areas having an annual rainfall of approximately 15 to 20 in. (38.1–50.8 cm)—with much of the rainfall in the spring and early summer—where…

divining rod

(Encyclopedia) divining rod or dowser, stick used in searching for underground water or minerals. This form of divination is still in common use in many parts of the world. The instrument is…

Silver Springs

(Encyclopedia) Silver Springs, mineral spring, N central Fla., source of the Silver River. The limestone spring, one of the world's largest and most famous, has a basin 80 ft (24 m) deep and 300 ft (…

marsh antelope

(Encyclopedia) marsh antelope, name for members of a group of deerlike African antelopes, usually found in reeds or tall grasses near water. The males of this group have horns that curve back, up,…